Figured I'd post an update on my progress, and see if I can get more free advice in the meantime.
I started the program last August (living in NE, things can take a while). I've done Dive Theory online, been working monthly with my preceptor helping with OW pool sessions, checkout dives, and acting as an assistant DM on local dives with the same preceptor.
I've done just about everything in the packet. I believe the big remaining things are to turn in my mapping project, and take Part 1 of the final exam.
There are some question marks I'm still working on if anyone has any recent experience:
-If I answer "no" to everything on the medical questionnaire, presumably I still need a physical and to have a provider sign off?
-Where I live, things like Skin Diver, DSD, etc. classes don't come up too often. Is it a requirement to assist with/instruct every one of these offerings?
Any input people have would be awesome.