Nope. you can't. you have to live dangerously, Howard. Thats part of the fun.
Jcsgt, try it! we started taking the captain or the divemaster breakfast from where we we ate in the morning...and oh my gosh, they were so appreciative.
For the record... I usually tip at the end of the trip. Most DM's are nice to us, I think it's because I have Michelle as my buddy, or because they've heard or our shop, and want discounts? Or, because we're happy people who don't complain about much, and have fun as much as possible. Either way... Tipping is good, and most DM's don't make as much as they should.
A lot of boats that I've been on have signs posted that the crew works for tips, etc.
While I've never done a liveaboard, I would imagine that it's similar to a cruise, where they give you envelopes to tip the major players. (chambermaid, head waiter, etc - ON A CRUISE) - At CoCo View in Roatan, they also told everyone to TIP.
But doesn't telling people to TIP change the meaning of TIP at all?
I originally went to college for HRTA (Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Administration) - there they were telling us that TIPS were acronyms for "To Insure Proper Service" - most people TIP differently, based on the quality of the service. I know I do. If a wait-tron at a restaurant is barely present, doesn't come back to my table 2-5 minutes after the food is delivered to "see if everything is ok" - I usually weigh this into the tip, and lean more towards 15%. If it's exemplary service... I may TIP a wait-tron as much as 25%
On a dive boat... I do evaluate the performance of the crew.
Do they help me into and out of the water? Do they grab my camera? Fins? Do they give me a little lift as I climb the ladder, and help me back to my seat?
I think people who work for tips have to
EARN them.