so my only problem with posting this was to which forum after doing a search for the issue!!! is my story.....
When fear strikes...
Since I started diving, I think I've had 1 very scary moment while diving. It was a while back and it was due to my failure(imo) to be properly familiar with some new dive gear that I had purchased. The gear in question was a new wing style BC that had the air bleaders on the bottom if you needed to purge the bc. To be brief, as my dive buddy and I were ascending, I was having a difficult time trying to reduce my bouyancey. at about 25-30ft, I was having to angle and kick down to stay down, and only grabbing a very large boulder to stay down while again, my buddy help with the issue that I couldn't resolve. At that moment I was pretty panicy, though maintained some semblance of coherency to stay down and try to control my breathing. My fear was shooting up to the surface and getting DCS....or worse....not really what I wanted considering we were coming up from about 70 ft. I ended up writing a small piece in my dive club news letter . My dive buddy wrote a part of it on her point of view of the incident...I thought it was a great thing to do as it pointed out the issues of new gear and knowing how to use it and what to do in an emergency. It really promted me to be safer as a diver and not be overconfident. (maybe I should have submitted it to a scubadiver magazine!!
I don't blame this for my recent spate of moments in the last few dives that i've felt a tinge of fear that cause a burst of adrenaline....and I have to say....facing 5 bull sharks in fiji never kicked this in...but then again, I felt pretty safe.....for some reason.
I think I've had 4 instances now that I have had the above thing happen....just swimming then boom...breathing felt different...tinge of fear...burst of adrenaline...and all I want to do is get to the surface cause I CAN"T BREATH DOWN HERE.....
first time was in cozumel as this was my first dive trip after being certed(and the reason I got certed) I was certain that I'd be a little nervous. On our first dive we went down to 80 feet and I was fine....after a couple dives I was getting pretty comfortable...
So on our 6th was about 65 feet....and felt a bit of reistance while breathing(mind you this was with rental gear too) but it went away and didn't fully hitme with adrenaline just a slight spike then down....still it made me bervous....13 more dives were to follow that week going down to 91 feet...never had it happen again on that trip.
The second time was on the dive that I had issues with my bc.....third was a few months back I don't recall the entire events of that time, but I do recall it happening and letting my buddy know...and now this past weekend when diving in SB.
It's weird when it just can't stop it and the rollercoaster ride ensues.....
So on to this last time....we were around 65 feet...seems to be my depth for fear or something, and I was filming with my new camera. We were in a kelp forest which I'm pretty okay with, I actaully like swimming through it and keep from getting tangled.... so we're down there an it just hits me....I try to stay calm but I already feel the adrenaline hit my bloodstream and my breathing get first thoughts are "I'm at sixty feet, this isn't good, calm down and don't do anything stupid". I figure maybe it's the surge that we're hitting, it's getting to me....let me try to get to the bottom a few feet below me. As I touch the bottom, I feel the adrenal burst start to disapate....and I'm okay....the rest of the dive goes okay...
I was okay this time, but afterwards on the way back I told my dive buddy. He asked why I didn't tell him. I had no reason, I just thought it would be better to let me work it out myself....but is this the best thing to do??? In a way yes, when you need to, but maybe I should have signaled him to let him know I was having a bit of trouble. Maybe it would have been good to grab his arm to get that assurance that I'd be okay.....
This past week I've thought about this whole incident and thought to myself , maybe this sport isn't for me....but I love it. I really do....I don't want to give it up. Today I did a search for and read some articles in an online scuba forum about the same issue. I'm glad it wasn't just me that had these thoughts and fears.....I actually started feeling overwelmed with emotion at the time that I read the posts as well as when I was writing this post/ really sucks to have this happen....I've got 60 logged dives....I should be doing better and and enjoying this more, instead I'm getting fearful of going into the water...
Still, the fact that I overcame the incident gave me a little consolation, though the fact that it occured...well...kinda negates that....
A couple things that I think are causing this to work, stresses of doing the 2 hour drive back and fourth have worn me thin....
Sitting in front of a computer 12 hours a day and not getting enough exercise....this could be a major thing and I plan to start riding my bike again... I'm at a healthy weight for my build, but I get tired rather sooner than my dive buddies did the last couple times....
The third thing was that we were on an overnighter....I'm not fond of them, and was trying to take less bonine but I did feel a bit queasy in the mgiht have also accounted for the limited sleep that I had....
One last, though possible factor was that I was diving with a buddy that really worked for me, unfortunatly we had also been going out....and after breaking up, it was my descision to not dive with them at the moment...but I have to say, she has been the best buddy so current dive buddy is a bit more energy intense for my current dive style....but he's slowed down a little with me.
Anyway, I think 1 or all of these factors may have contributed to my recent minor panic attacks....I also think the bc incident had a little to do with it...but I did find out that my reg could be overbreathed and hold up...
I know this has opened many discussions already....I just thought I'd throw my part out there....(this was also posted on my blog on myspace)

When fear strikes...
Since I started diving, I think I've had 1 very scary moment while diving. It was a while back and it was due to my failure(imo) to be properly familiar with some new dive gear that I had purchased. The gear in question was a new wing style BC that had the air bleaders on the bottom if you needed to purge the bc. To be brief, as my dive buddy and I were ascending, I was having a difficult time trying to reduce my bouyancey. at about 25-30ft, I was having to angle and kick down to stay down, and only grabbing a very large boulder to stay down while again, my buddy help with the issue that I couldn't resolve. At that moment I was pretty panicy, though maintained some semblance of coherency to stay down and try to control my breathing. My fear was shooting up to the surface and getting DCS....or worse....not really what I wanted considering we were coming up from about 70 ft. I ended up writing a small piece in my dive club news letter . My dive buddy wrote a part of it on her point of view of the incident...I thought it was a great thing to do as it pointed out the issues of new gear and knowing how to use it and what to do in an emergency. It really promted me to be safer as a diver and not be overconfident. (maybe I should have submitted it to a scubadiver magazine!!

I don't blame this for my recent spate of moments in the last few dives that i've felt a tinge of fear that cause a burst of adrenaline....and I have to say....facing 5 bull sharks in fiji never kicked this in...but then again, I felt pretty safe.....for some reason.
I think I've had 4 instances now that I have had the above thing happen....just swimming then boom...breathing felt different...tinge of fear...burst of adrenaline...and all I want to do is get to the surface cause I CAN"T BREATH DOWN HERE.....
first time was in cozumel as this was my first dive trip after being certed(and the reason I got certed) I was certain that I'd be a little nervous. On our first dive we went down to 80 feet and I was fine....after a couple dives I was getting pretty comfortable...
So on our 6th was about 65 feet....and felt a bit of reistance while breathing(mind you this was with rental gear too) but it went away and didn't fully hitme with adrenaline just a slight spike then down....still it made me bervous....13 more dives were to follow that week going down to 91 feet...never had it happen again on that trip.
The second time was on the dive that I had issues with my bc.....third was a few months back I don't recall the entire events of that time, but I do recall it happening and letting my buddy know...and now this past weekend when diving in SB.
It's weird when it just can't stop it and the rollercoaster ride ensues.....
So on to this last time....we were around 65 feet...seems to be my depth for fear or something, and I was filming with my new camera. We were in a kelp forest which I'm pretty okay with, I actaully like swimming through it and keep from getting tangled.... so we're down there an it just hits me....I try to stay calm but I already feel the adrenaline hit my bloodstream and my breathing get first thoughts are "I'm at sixty feet, this isn't good, calm down and don't do anything stupid". I figure maybe it's the surge that we're hitting, it's getting to me....let me try to get to the bottom a few feet below me. As I touch the bottom, I feel the adrenal burst start to disapate....and I'm okay....the rest of the dive goes okay...
I was okay this time, but afterwards on the way back I told my dive buddy. He asked why I didn't tell him. I had no reason, I just thought it would be better to let me work it out myself....but is this the best thing to do??? In a way yes, when you need to, but maybe I should have signaled him to let him know I was having a bit of trouble. Maybe it would have been good to grab his arm to get that assurance that I'd be okay.....
This past week I've thought about this whole incident and thought to myself , maybe this sport isn't for me....but I love it. I really do....I don't want to give it up. Today I did a search for and read some articles in an online scuba forum about the same issue. I'm glad it wasn't just me that had these thoughts and fears.....I actually started feeling overwelmed with emotion at the time that I read the posts as well as when I was writing this post/ really sucks to have this happen....I've got 60 logged dives....I should be doing better and and enjoying this more, instead I'm getting fearful of going into the water...
Still, the fact that I overcame the incident gave me a little consolation, though the fact that it occured...well...kinda negates that....
A couple things that I think are causing this to work, stresses of doing the 2 hour drive back and fourth have worn me thin....
Sitting in front of a computer 12 hours a day and not getting enough exercise....this could be a major thing and I plan to start riding my bike again... I'm at a healthy weight for my build, but I get tired rather sooner than my dive buddies did the last couple times....
The third thing was that we were on an overnighter....I'm not fond of them, and was trying to take less bonine but I did feel a bit queasy in the mgiht have also accounted for the limited sleep that I had....
One last, though possible factor was that I was diving with a buddy that really worked for me, unfortunatly we had also been going out....and after breaking up, it was my descision to not dive with them at the moment...but I have to say, she has been the best buddy so current dive buddy is a bit more energy intense for my current dive style....but he's slowed down a little with me.
Anyway, I think 1 or all of these factors may have contributed to my recent minor panic attacks....I also think the bc incident had a little to do with it...but I did find out that my reg could be overbreathed and hold up...

I know this has opened many discussions already....I just thought I'd throw my part out there....(this was also posted on my blog on myspace)