The estimates given by
@michael-fisch are scaring, but unfortunately they have some good sense.
However the point here is not how many lives will be lost (millions, definitely, although there is a big difference between 2 millions and 200 millions).
The point is how much time will be required before we come back to "normality".
I think that the world we did know in the past will be never come back, a number of modifications in how we interact each other will happen. These modifications can appear huge to people as we Italians, who are used to "mix" together very strictly, in every sense.
In other cultures, where people are already used to talk each other staying at 3 meters distance, and never touch, probably this will not be a significant change.
But regarding being allowed again to make international travels on aircraft, reaching holidays destination, where to practice our favourite sport, of course this will be restored, earlier or later. Entire countries, such as Maldives, survive only thanks to international tourism.
There will be a point when, despite the virus, one country will need to lift the blockage, for avoiding that everything goes bankrupt. And I am really thinking that the economical crisis caused by the virus can make more deaths than those killed directly by the virus.
And this is not just a problem for those exotic countries based solely on tourism. Even in the US there will be the problem that people loosing their work also lose their medical insurance, hence they will die for other pathologies, in the impossibility to treat them properly.
So the point is not when the virus will be gone (perhaps in 3 years, perhaps never). The point is when this breakpoint will be reached, so, despite the virus still running around uncontrolled, it will be necessary to accept the death tool necessarily required by the need of restarting at least partially also "not critical" business.
I suppose that this breakpoint will occur at different times in different countries.
I fear that, when this occurs, then the sad estimates given by michael fisch could come true...