What's your view of Technical Diving

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I'm not sure about your people, BUT I find it hard to find Female divers who are/ might be interested in Technical diving.

Whenever I try to intro DIRF / Triox / even PADI Nitrox to my Female Friends, their first reaction are " I'm not interested in Tech Diving" or " Tech diving is not suitable for me " , " I'm contented with Recreational diving " and etc ...

The thing is those courses I mentioned above are NOT even Tech Related. I tried to explain that these are not even tech,but they shut me off completely :rolleyes:

So I'm wondering why is it that female divers are so put off by technical diving.
What about technical diving that make them :thinkingo

So What's your view
I'm interested in tech diving but at the same time concerned about the risk involved.Would be good if anyone can explain it to me.
I'm interested in tech diving but at the same time concerned about the risk involved.Would be good if anyone can explain it to me.

Well I can't help you because I too have limited knowledge on tech diving. All I know is they go DEEP and use lots of mixed gases :11ztongue

Let's hope someone here will explains and let us know more about tech diving :eyebrow: or all my dive kakis out there...whoever that saw this post can explain it to me in personal :eyebrow:
Technical diving is an interesting term. It can mean a lot of things and it's not the same for everyone. Today, anything different than 60 fsw max depth, Air, Open Water, etc. can be "Technical Diving". I am sure I missed something, so I put the etc. in there. Any more, nearly every dive I do is a technical dive. Shoot, someone even has a "Boat Diving" specialty card. I don't like the term. If you have something specific that is different than standard recreational diving, then call it what it is. Technical Diving is too broad of a term to use. Ok, I'm now getting off my soap box.

My wife doesn't like deep or night dives. Why? Deep dives are more risky than shallow dives and she can't stay down a long. Night dives make her feel claustrophobic.

I can't answer for other women, I just know why Donna doesn't like deep or night dives.
So I'm wondering why is it that female divers are so put off by technical diving.

My view is that your view is biased. Many DIVERS do not want to do Tech diving; it's not gender based at all. It has nothing to do with being male or female.
My view is that your view is biased. Many DIVERS do not want to do Tech diving; it's not gender based at all. It has nothing to do with being male or female.

You may be right that I am biased BUT as far as I'm concerned, most of my male diver friends are into tech and all of my female diver friends are not :dot:
Most people don't dive at all and I think there are still more men diving that ladies. However of the technical divers I know a bunch of them are women including my wife.

If you get to know a circle of technical divers some will be women. If you hand out at the local dive shop you'll likely fine few technical divers and very few will be women.
Since the majority of instructors for such couses are male, it's very difficult for a woman to even get her foot in the classroom, that's why there aren't many out there!!
Welcome to the Boards!!
Please stop in at the Introduction and Greets forum and introduce yourself!!

BTW I have met a few female tec Divers. They have all been very knowledgable, most of them have been more knowledgable than some of the male tec divers I have met. :wink:

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