What's your hidden talent?

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Breaking the balloons is 3/4 the fun! My kids absolutely loved it (for a month or so). I'll see if I can dig up a couple of pix (If I do, I might have to go out and get a gross or 2 or 3).:D
Mojarra once bubbled...

Oh yeah! People love to tell you what your ex is doing (or was doing) when its ended.

never piss any of my ex's

Paul =-)
That's the way someone once described me, I collect people.

I like to organize outings (baseball games, plays, dinners, concerts, etc.). Before the Giants moved out of Candlestick Park, every season (and sometimes 2 or 3 times a season) for 20 years I filled up their VIP Box which held 150 people (I used to say it was for me and 149 of my closest friends).

Once people get on my list they don't like to be left off (hence the "collection").

After organizing a huge event, I always say "That's the last one"--getting commitments, collecting money, distributing tickets, dealing with the few flakes [they get left off of future events] is sometimes a real pain. But then I get people saying "You know, we had so much fun last year, we're hoping you'll do it again.", and I forget all about the headaches.

Next up is taking a small group (40) to a Giants game a week from today--wish me luck.:)
Natasha once bubbled...
I can make things happen ..by saying it them out loud, before they do happen.
I have lots of examples but here is the most recent.
Example #1:
Friday, I went to the Cubs/ Astros Baseball game in Houston.
The Cubs pitcher came up to bat.
With all Astros fans sitting around me, I said out loud ..
"The Cubs pitcher is going to hit a home run."
And he did.
Cubs won!

ScubaTexan once bubbled...

If the Cubs end up winning the NL Central by one game over the Astros, I'm going to

:rofL: :D

Hey Natasha,
Checked the NL Central standings today??

Jepuskar - I'll PM you my address. Let's GO CUBBIES! I want my book!

(It looks like you can thank Natasha...)

If the CUBS win the central division in my lifetime, I'll buy a DIR book for everyone on this board.
Seems to be a few sailors here. Count me in - self-taught. I just bought a racing dinghy, put on a lifejacket, and off I went.

Only thing I CAN'T do - play a musical instrument very well. I've toyed with pianoes, French horn, trumpet, bugle, flute and fife, but although I can get a few notes out of each, I guess I'm just not musically inclined.

However I can draw, write (prose), do a little programming (HTML and VB). I can sew - (I built my own dive flag among other things) and have made several very nice Hallowe'en costumes for myself and others - my latest was an "Arabian genie" that I wore for a sailpast. :D

I can take stuff apart, put it back together and it works better than ever. I once rebuilt a bike from the bare frame upwards (still have it). I also am a proponent of WD-40 and Duct Tape. Although I'd add rope/line to that list too.

Oh yeah, and I have perfect spelling. I've corrected teachers, medical staff on the spelling of their diagnoses and drugs. (So if you see any misspellings in my posts, that's just my TYPING skills, or lack thereof)
I can get my clenched fist in my mouth.

Of course I have very small hands :D

Amazing the things you discover you can do when your drunk ;)

I dont get cold...
As a kid I played "king of the hill" in snow wearing only shorts and tshirt. This was before I´d heard the word conformity or of "trying to fit in". (it also got my parents into all sorts of unwelcome meetings at school)

I´m also very good at stowing gear, a skill I had plenty of opportunity to practice in the army...this is handy on diving trips where you need all that "essential" equipment with you...

I´m also good at making small malfunctions turn in to big and permanent ones...this propably has something to do with my "if brute force doesent work then use more force"-approach to fixing problems :rolleyes:

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