I'd definitely like an encounter with whale shark. Dream waiting to come true. They are majestic, graceful and pretty harmless.
The great white is one of my favorites when talking about the look of it. And makos are quite stunning too. Actually most of the species are beautiful in one way or another.
When I was a little kid I used to dream about being able to talk to animals just before sleep. Usually my favorites were sharks. I used to dream about myself living underwater, chatting with sharks. My parents gave me nature encyclopedias instead of childish books (I had those too, but liked encyclopedias more). Probably it is where the image of sharks came from. Later on I found out that sharks kill humans sometimes and started to become terrified of them, but still curious. Before the discover scuba dive I asked my dive master "what if we see some sharks?". He told "we'll be very lucky then". Only then I started reading a lot about sharks and pitiful situation humans put them in. And when I realised how small are the chances to get killed by a shark... Well, I can't understand all the culling thing. Even survivors of shark attacks are very often against killing the poor creatures.
Just wanted to tell my story somewhere. Hope that I'll see some wild sharks some day. I'd like to start with less intimidating ones first...