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Scuba Instructor
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the little island of Guam
hello everyone!
I'm new here (obviously). so, what's this all about? personally, I'm here tryin' to get some info on getting PADI certified in south carolina (and hopefully meet some cool people in the process).
so, what's up?
Welcome to Scuba Board!

There is a lot of information here so hop in and have a look around. For South Carolina specific questions, head to Deep Dixie Divers just a little farther down this board.

The more information you can give in your post when asking a question the better information you'll likely get back. I am sure there are quite a few divers who will be able to help you.

Again, welcome and enjoy the board. I look forward to seeing you around!
Hi there and welcome to ScubaBoard!! I'm so happy that you decided to join us here!!

There is lots of information that you can find.. and make sure to check out the club that fits your area!

If you need help with anything while you're figuring out where things are around here, send me a PM! (Private Message.. click my user name, and it should give you the option of sending me one!)

Otherwise, I hope to get to know you better around the boards! Have fun, and Happy, Safe diving!!

~Kayla :dazzler1:
Moved from Introductions & Greets forum.
Welcome to SB. Your thread was moved to your local dive club forum, Deep Dixie, or you would have received even more welcomes.

But this is a good place to find local contacts. See y'a around the board, but PM me is I can help with anything.

don :cowboy:
hello everyone!
I'm new here (obviously). so, what's this all about? personally, I'm here tryin' to get some info on getting PADI certified in south carolina (and hopefully meet some cool people in the process).
so, what's up?
along with everybody else...welcome. If you want PADI...The Scuba Shop of Spartenburg is PADI. That is where my wife and I were certified....great shop...no B.S.,and they have there own heated pool right there at the shop...you dont have to drive anywhere for your pool time. And when I go thereit only takes me about 30 minutes from G'ville. Again welcome to the board and if you have any guestions feel free to pm me
Rob & Penny

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