What's the most idiotic thing you've have witnessed divers doing?

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Just yesterday I had a repeat of the dumbest act I've repeatedly seen underwater.

While guiding a dive with a group of 4 divers, I signalled for an air check. The guy closest to me signalled that he had 1600 psi remaining when I could plainly see his gauge was reading 1200 psi. This continued on subsequent air checks.

He ended the dive with his SPG reading slightly less than 100 psi. :bonk:
Diving West Caicos several years ago two "exotic dancers" over from Miami for the weekend entertained the wolves on the way out by sunbathing in next to nothing. When it came time to dive they entered the water, went directly to 200 feet, came directly up and got back on the boat. The divemaster was furious. He yelled, they ignored, we laughed. The second dive, you guessed it, they did the same thing. I have never seen a divemaster actually blow a gasket. They didn't seem any worse for wear.
In the University pool where I sometimes hang out with the classes that go on there, there's this guy...probably late 30's or so. Takes off his BC, grabs a breath and swims down to the bottom of the pool, 15 ft, where this other guy and I are hanging out. The fellow without the BC comes over to the guy and me who are in our scuba gear and starts breathing off of this guys octo ... then swims back up to the top....note...I did not see little, or big, bubbles coming out of his mouth on the way up.
Go figure!
a very long story but i will jump right to the dumest thing part

an instructor on the surface, no mask, no hood, panicked, flooded drysuit and drowning.

six students circling him and watching him drown all the while sitting there with that deer in the head lights look on their face.

I had to swim about 200 yards and puled him up from about 20 feet under by the time i got to him, his students still circling were he was with that same dumb look on their face
Smallish charter boat. Nice big swells. Water blowing right over top of bridge as bow sinks dives underwater. Girl who absolutely freaked out when she had to float on the surface waiting to get out after diving, so much so that she climbs up the swim platform ladder wearing fins and BCD. Said girl turns totally green and to relieve her seasickness goes inside the cabin, covers her head and breathes the recycled fry oil/diesel mix. Dumb, dumb, dumb.:eek:ut:

Or...best "overheard in hottub after diving story" This wedding party on Maui rented gear and went out diving around Wailea. They had no idea where they were going. Swam way out with the current until they used up 1/2 their air. Couldn't read their compasses. Ended up running out of air and surfacing in a cove with the nice black lava rock walls (no beach). Climbed the rock walls (15') in full gear and hopped fence to get to a hotel parking lot where they could regroup to figure out where they had left the car. I must say, if the bride was smart she would have either annulled or called it off at that point. Didn't hear how day 2 of diving went.:bonk:
We have a very special specimen in our club (I should put everything in the past, but I still see him from time to time, since the diving spots are quite limited around here).

He's a brilliant guy, finishing his PhD in nuclear physics, and is AOW.

Everytime we talk anout him there seems to be a new episode to his diving freaks' saga.

In no particular order:

- He managed to put his 7mms suit inside out and close zippers

- He managed to put his BCD upside down on the tank, only to come to the instructor asking for help since he couldn't find a decent way of connecting the first stage.

- He managed to do a full 35 minutes dive without realizing he had forgotten to put one of his fins on

I suppose next time there might be something new, I'll keep you updated :bonk:
chiara once bubbled...
He's a brilliant guy, finishing his PhD in nuclear physics, and is AOW.

- He managed to put his 7mms suit inside out and close zippers
- He managed to put his BCD upside down on the tank, ...
- He managed to do a full 35 minutes dive without realizing he had forgotten to put one of his fins on...
Ah.. the absent minded proffessor! Head so far in the clouds thinking about important things that little stuff like fins no longer matter. :)
AquaTec once bubbled...
a very long story but i will jump right to the dumest thing part

an instructor on the surface, no mask, no hood, panicked, flooded drysuit and drowning.

six students circling him and watching him drown all the while sitting there with that deer in the head lights look on their face.

I had to swim about 200 yards and puled him up from about 20 feet under by the time i got to him, his students still circling were he was with that same dumb look on their face

Next time you might consider just bringing back the equipment.
This was on the way to the dive, hubby and several other people I know were there.
AOW student can't get a ride to the dive site, it's May in Ohio and evidently a little cool. The diver puts on his 1/4 inch wetsuit and mask so he won't freeze while he drives his van with no windshield 2.5 hours to the dive site.
Is it any wonder at one point during their dive he and his buddy surfaced and she screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" so loud the whole quarry looked? My hubby said to his buddy, "Looks like she's not having a very good time!"
UMMMM, would you dive with him?
Ber :bunny:

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