Thanks for the inputs.
I've been invited to go snorkel diving this weekend, and need to get a suit real fast if I were to get it.... I did some research myself but am afraid such a rushed research cannot be complete so I hope to leverage your knowledge.
Can you suggest some specific brand names, model names/numbers, and approx. prices for the low/middle/high end dry suits?
I don't know if this info makes any difference in selection but I anticipate 99% of my diving will be near the surface since I don't know scuba diving.
Based on this message I think you are not a good candidate for a dry suit.
You indicate that you do not know scuba diving but you will be snorkeling, and that 99% of your diving will be near the surface. Based on this, it sounds like you will not be using SCUBA gear. Things like a regulator and a compressed air tank. Thses things are necessary to properly use a dry suit. A real SCUBA dry suit is a specialized piece of equipment designed for SCUBA diving.
If you are snorkeling in really cold water then a thick wetsuit is a far better choice. If you are snorkeling in warmer water a thin wetsuit or perhaps no wetsuit at all, just your swim suit and perhaps a T shrit is all you should need.
I get the impression that from what you want to do, if you buy a real dry suit you well be extremely unhappy because you will have spent at least a few hundred dollars on a suit that is not appropriate for the activity you seem to want to participate in.
If I may ask a few questions...
Will you be using this suit for actual SCUBA diving? Remember, SCUBA diving is a specific activity that requires training, and lots of specialized gear. If you have never SCUBA dived before you will almost certainly not be SCUBA diving on a quick weekend trip with some friends.
Will you be using this suit for snorkeling? Snorkeling is swimming around on the surface while breathing the normal air in the atmosphere, if you want to swim under water you hold your breath. Snorkeling is pretty easy, you can learn how to do this in just a few minutes.
Where will you be doing your chosen activity? Hawaii, Florida, The Carribean, The Mediterranean, California, Alaska, Austrailia, South Africa. The water and air temperatures make a huge difference in the best choice for your equipment.
I am hot trying to come off as some sort of jerk here, I am just a little confused about what you want. If we have a better idea of what you are really after we can provide more appropriate suggestions.
Many thanks,
Mark Vlahos