I usually do my diving at Lake Lanier when I can't get to Fla. So I will work on my skills when I'm up there soon. It's definitely 7mm wetsuit time now. I 'm wanting to get a drysuit after the 1st of the year. I don't even take cold showers.
Thanks for the reply!
After all the drought this year, does Lanier even have 60+ ft. depth?

I'm going to work on my AOW this coming year also. As mentioned before, Nav and Deep are required. I'm thinking for the other 3 electives: PPB, Night, and Nitrox.
I admit to doing quite a few dives below 60ft. Many @ 75-80ft. and a few to 90-95ft.
These were done with experienced divers. I really didn't feel any anxieties, uneasiness, etc. I didn't recognize any effects of NN either. The big thing about deep IMHO is gas management! Low or no air @ 90 or 100ft is a completely different situation than @ 35ft. There are tons of very experienced divers on this board with way more info/insight into this than me, who can add alot more, I'm sure.