What the he** has happened to Cozumel?

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To hell with it, torpedo the cruise ships.

Those cruise ships are full of people. People who have as much right to be on Cozumel as you or me.

That quote, while I am sure(hopefully) was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, is typical of the left-wing whacko liberal hyperbole that continues to propogate the specious argument that the least important species on planet earth is Homo Sapien.

Well if you want to eradicate the problem, I suggest you begin by looking in the mirror.
So, I am about to go To Cozumel for the first time, coming up here in November. I am in agreeance with Jep...I have never been there before and am not a time traveler, I will enjoy it for what it has to offer NOW rather then not go because it isn't as good as it was THEN. The 1967 Mustang was an awesome car but I am not going to walk to work because the new car isn't as good. If Cozumel is not worth the trip say so, otherwise there really is nothing you can do about the condition.

As for NOT going to the island as the cure...I am afraid I would have to dispute that. If the good and experienced divers don't show up to the island, then the prices will drop (supply and demand, Economics 101) and the Cruiseliner Bozo's will dive MORE and destroy MORE. Dive more and Raise the price and the Less than dedicated divers can go to McDonalds and get a MC Taco and tell eveyone about there COZ trip.

Of course the above is just a Supposition

SSgt Lillie USM once bubbled...
So, I am about to go To Cozumel for the first time, coming up here in November. I am in agreeance with Jep...I have never been there before and am not a time traveler, I will enjoy it for what it has to offer NOW rather then not go because it isn't as good as it was THEN. The 1967 Mustang was an awesome car but I am not going to walk to work because the new car isn't as good. If Cozumel is not worth the trip say so, otherwise there really is nothing you can do about the condition.

As for NOT going to the island as the cure...I am afraid I would have to dispute that. If the good and experienced divers don't show up to the island, then the prices will drop (supply and demand, Economics 101) and the Cruiseliner Bozo's will dive MORE and destroy MORE. Dive more and Raise the price and the Less than dedicated divers can go to McDonalds and get a MC Taco and tell eveyone about there COZ trip.

Of course the above is just a Supposition


You won't have to worry about divers not going to Coz. Due to its close proximity to US, cheap diving, good diving........won't happen. The point is that the diving is every bit as good as it's always been. It's just that the reef life is not as abundant. The Gov't has assured it's place in the Cruise Liner Hall of Fame for pure ship count. When you get there you will see what we are all talking about. Have a great trip.
scuba buddha once bubbled...
A few members on this thread have said that 'they're fine with the way things are new in Coz. and besides what can I do about it now'. I'll tell you what you can do, STOP GOING THERE! The only reason the area has gotten so exploited it becasue the mighty peso has spoken and the business listened. If you stop going and thus stop spending your $$ there the message will be heard loud and clear. And yes even one person or maybe two not going because of the condition of the reef makes a huge difference. As long as we always turn a blind eye to something like this it will perpetuate.

If we, of all people, aren't part of this solution then only we are to blame for its loss and destruction.

If all the divers in the world suddenly stopped going to Cozumel, the dive shops would fold but little else would change. Since Coz got put on the cruise ship circuit, far more visitors (and their money) go there by that means than any other way.

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