Can't go wrong with a HOG. They are DIN though, so be sure to find an adapter that will work for you. Tech divers all over the world swear by them, and quite literally stake their life on them. Got a chance to use my buddy's on a 98ft dive a few days ago before ordering them. Water temp was extremely cold, horribly so. About 39F. On these regs the adjustment wheel actually DOES SOMETHING! Fully opened it's almost shoving air into your lungs, even down at 98ft. Give it a small turn the other way and you're set. These things are built like tanks, too. They are dirt cheap as well. I was using my Titan LX on my setup, and halfway through he let me breathe off his secondary (also a HOG D1, with a yellow soft cover) and it breathed very well, I switched back and forth between the two regs constantly, and I felt like I had to PULL the air out of my Titan, but the HOG remained good. I won't buy anything else from now on. Oh, and OP make sure if you DO go with the HOGs that you get a GOOD DIN-YOKE convertor. The one on my buddy's worked fine, but there are mixed reports of minor leaks on well-worn tanks.
EDIT: Sorry if I wasn't clear, OP- he had ordered the "singles" kit and it came with a DIN-Yoke screw-on convertor. It worked fine for him but there are mixed reports of using them on well worn tanks where they may have dents and dings on the head, causing an improper seal. My buddy and I use our own tanks when we can, but the dive shop we had to get them filled up at said they couldn't fill our DIN tanks, so we had to rent some of their Yokes. Don't know why they couldn't fill them. I've never in all my days come across a shop that said they couldn't fill a DIN tank
Chris, you run a real class act with HOG. Keep up the good work and you'll always have a lifetime customer with me.