What order to buy when getting started?

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I'm maybe a month or so ahead of you and this is the order I bought gear:

1. All the software prior to OW course
2. Computer straight after the OW course
3. The week following I ordered regs and bcd

Then you can "justify" any accessories
I have been wondering about whether I go regulator first and then BC, or vice versa? I found a nicely (lightly) used BC with Air2 and alternate air source on EBay for a good deal, but not sure I can use it if I need to rent a regulator. Can I rent a regulator without an Octo?

There are lots of ways to do it.

My recommendation would be to purchase a regulator and BC at the same time. Not all BCs are compatible with all regulator sets particularly where an Air2 or other integrated power inflator is involved. Hose lengths and fittings vary. I would not count on being able to swap hoses around in a rental situation -- many would accommodate that but it's a potential source of problems and delays.

Since this is Scubaboard, someone will be along shortly to tell you: 1) why you shouldn't use an Air2, and 2) why you should get a backplate and wing instead of a jacket BC. I will let you decide for yourself whether this advice you will soon receive is relevant to your situation, or not..
Just to mix things up a little - the Blue Hole is cold water so your shorty might not be enough if you plan to go there frequently.
What doesn’t change is the temperature—a constant 62 degrees
It's also 4600' which qualifies as an elevation dive. Some (maybe all?) computers can compensate for it.

If you are going to buy that BC with the AIR2 you'll always have to plan on having the dive shop swap your inflator - they're not going to want to let you do it since if you accidentally crossthread their reg it makes it useless and something you'll pay for. Plus since it's their reg, they'll likely want to test it before allowing you to use it - they're the ones with the big insurance liability.

Additionally they'll do that on their tech's schedule - not yours. Some may even charge you for it. We often fly to carib/central america dive destinations from here and plan to dive the morning dives the next morning - that may not be possible if you have to ask them to change it.

Also if you're not diving with them every day - they may want to let you keep/charge you the daily rental since you're now tieing up a reg they can't use while it has your Air2 adapter on it. Otoh if they have a lot of extra reg sets - maybe not. Hopefully they don't grab "yours" and give it to someone else in the rush to get everyone on the boat.

Since you seem to plan to travel a lot, I'd go for a regular BC with a standard inflator - either rent first or buy it and get your own regs. The way I look at it since I don't have to put the BC in my mouth - a regulator would be my first buy if I had to stagger them. People are taught (correctly) to vomit thru their regulator if necessary - you'd like to hope those get thoroughly cleaned/disinfected b4 you get it.

Then any AIR2/SS1 or other odd setup you come across can be accommodated also if you wish. I could be wrong but I believe there's no standardization in octo/inflator fittings so each mfr. has their own.

If you are looking at an Air2 - that's considered a Scubapro regulator so find a dealer in ABO that sevices them. Mght make sense to buy Scubapro regs also in that case so they can do it all. It appears you have two - Deep Blue or New Mexico Scuba Center. http://www.scubapro.com/en-US/USA/dealer-locator.aspx

90% of rental BC's are inexpensive jacket models optimized for rental purposes - more robust construction, very standardized configuration so parts can be swapped as needed - one mfr' even prints the size/serial # on the shoulder for inventory purposes. My point is most times, there's a standard 2 button inflator running down the left side so for me owning my own be a lesser concern initially..

Except sometimes they're junk or leak. Although once my buddy commented that a rental at an upscale resort on Roatan was a nicer Scubapro model than he owned. They looked almost new also.
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I was in your shoes not too long ago. A couple things to keep in mind. When traveling with your gear plan on spending an extra $50 per trip to Mexico or Central America because you more than likely would need to check a bag, unless you are sitting on the front row and you get to check two bags free. Checking bags also makes you wait longer coming and going at the airport. Many dive ops include gear or offer a discount rental if you dive a given amount with them. Like others have said, what you buy won't be the last. I found it, and still do at times, very intimidating buying gear because it is hard to know what is best for you. My advise buy a very high rated reg used, just not the titanium or special edition version. You should be able to find it half the retail price and it will last as long as you need it to. Many on this site will say to buy a BP/W for your BC. I bought a back inflate BC, now I wish I would have bought a BP/W but at the time it was just too different from what I learned on. A good compromise on a BC in my opinion would be the Zeagle Express tech, it retails for $385 but I saw one on Leisure Pro used/ demo for $255.
When traveling with your gear plan on spending an extra $50 per trip to Mexico or Central America because you more than likely would need to check a bag, unless you are sitting on the front row and you get to check two bags free.
You have the wrong credit card..I have an AA branded card that gets me one free checked bag on any flight anytime. I'm always flying coach.
But I pay $79 yearly for it - it also has other benefits. One is boarding immediately after first class but judging from the people who line up for that announcement - a lot of people own the same card.

There's also other discounts for car rentals, hotels etc. that i really should consider except most of the time we rent houses/condos and someone in my group always has a better car deal that we share. I signed up for their dining plan once but it meant going to restaurants I normally didn't and I never earned anywhere near the points to redeem for anything useful. I don't think it still exists.
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Where is everyone selling their equipment when you want to upgrade??
here in our classifieds. Although I haven't sold much - two different regs and one 80's BC in the past decade.
My first (of four) dive instructors was named Kevin. Is that you? If not, I'll dive with you and we can talk deals :)
Nope, not an instructor.

I've taken it as a bad sign for when I'll be diving again that when the doctor got back the CT of my sinuses yesterday she calls me up and says thing like severe sinusitis and bone involvement and wants to schedule an urgent MR before my ENT appointment next week...
You have the wrong credit card..I have an AA branded card that gets me one free checked bag on any flight anytime. I'm always flying coach.
But I pay $79 yearly for it - it also has other benefits. One is boarding immediately after first class but judging from the people who line up for that announcement - a lot of people own the same card.

There's also other discounts for car rentals, hotels etc. that i really should consider except most of the time we rent houses/condos and someone in my group always has a better car deal that we share. I signed up for their dining plan once but it meant going to restaurants I normally didn't and I never earned anywhere near the points to redeem for anything useful. I don't think it still exists.

I guess I do have the wrong card, I get a free checked bag flying in the states but not to Mexico or Central America. AA changed their boarding sequence now to. With their advantage card you are now in group 5, pretty much the same order but they don't call it priority.

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