Capt Jim Wyatt
Hanging at the 10 Foot Stop
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Instructors that follow standards and REQUIRE MASTERY LEARNING.
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Telling a story how they screwed something up, especially if it was similar to your screwup.
Related to that, I've found a few things were a simple shift in point of view was all it took to make things click.Both stories illustrate examples of teachers using standard instructional practices and failing, and then succeeding with different approaches. It is not that those different approaches are not known--it's just that they are not the ones typically taught to teachers.
How do you get them from where they are to mastery? Is it just straight repetition with feedback?Instructors that follow standards and REQUIRE MASTERY LEARNING.
A different instructor:Telling a story how they screwed something up, especially if it was similar to your screwup.
Yea, pretty much. Practice, practice, practice until the skill is embedded into muscle memory.How do you get them from where they are to mastery? Is it just straight repetition with feedback?