What makes an instructor or class excellent?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Galveston, TX
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Throwing this in the advanced section since I'm looking for a variety of experience levels for feed back, but mods can feel free to move it.

I've been thinking recently about excellence in diving instruction, and what makes one class or instructor good and another excellent. I'm not sure I've figured out what it is.

I have had some excellent instructors: Mauritius Bell for CCR, Terrence Tysall for cave, Steve Lewis was my TDI IT. I've had some great, very knowledgeable mentors as well. I've also had good, just okay, and downright terrible instructors.

The only thing that really sets my excellent instructors apart, on paper anyway, is their loads of experience doing the dives that we were training for. But just because someone is doing a lot of awesome cave dives, it doesn't automatically make them a great cave instructor. So what is it?

Are GUE classes known for being excellent because every instructor is excellent, or is it because they have higher minimum standards (and actually hold the instructors to those standards)? Or is it because everyone going into those classes are expecting them to be challenging and come with their A game? Vs something like a 3 day class in a tropical location where the students are expecting it to be easy and fun.

So is it just following and meeting standards? Is there some aspect of novel teaching methods?

If you have had an excellent class, what made it excellent? If you ARE an excellent instructor, what do you do differently?
Among other things, the instructor solicited my feedback. In the post-dive brief (a crucial practice, BTW), I had to tell him what I thought I did well, then what I thought I did poorly. At higher levels of training, we should have a fair bit of self awareness. Such a practice will accelerate that development if it is lacking and start the conversation if it is developed.

Another is humor and relatability. Telling a story how they screwed something up, especially if it was similar to your screwup.
My best instructor had a knack for story telling and could paint a picture such that you felt like you were there and somehow part of the story. It hit especially hard when things took a bad (or very bad) turn.

The class skills and execution all went well, and it would have been easy to believe that this stuff is a piece of cake in spite of logic dictating otherwise. The stories gave me a healthy respect and emotional backing for the possibilities that simply cannot be explored in a class setting.

Experience is the best teacher. Points to the instructor who can make their experiences feel like they actually happened to you.
The ability to see that something is wrong and to be able to detail explain that clearly to the student is critical.

All the experience and knowledge in the world doesn't help if they don't notice things and know how to explain it to the student. It's communication skills but also an ability to do critical analysis of what they are seeing.

I'm a new diver and have had the opportunity to dive for fun (outside of class) with several instructors. Only one of them noticed that while my trim was good, I was probably kicking way too much. That got me to thinking about why I was kicking so much and I realized it was to maintain trim - my feet were sinking if I stopped to glide.

Solution: move my weight around.

End Result: I was able to stay in perfect trim and hover without kicking or moving my arms in the pool for the first time. My first 2 dives after my air consumption was tremendously improved.
I’m a professional educator (not in scuba), and one of the things driven home to me all the time when watching dive instruction is that just because someone is a good diver does *not* mean they will be a good instructor. That is, the dive skills are necessary but insufficient to be a good instructor.

If you break it down into whether people *can* and *want* to be a good instructor, it becomes clearer.

Plenty of instructors out there are, quite frankly, not highly motivated to provide super high quality instruction. I think most of us have encountered these instructors at a recreational level - they fudge standards, do the bare minimum required, seem annoyed to be there, are extra annoyed if any students have actual problems or are slow picking up a skill. My open water and AOW instructors were like this, unfortunately. My Rescue instructor was better, but only marginally.

Whatever their motivations for teaching - money (ha!), ego, interpersonal obligation, etc - intrinsic desire to provide high quality instruction is not at the top of the list. This isn’t a personal attack - burnout is very common in underpaid, “passion” careers, and scuba diving is a prime candidate for that. Many instructors who come in highly motivated don’t end that way.

Motivated instructors use course standards as a starting point and often add additional material; unmotivated instructors use them to do the bare required minimum (if that). For instance, my cavern instructor felt there were skills that should be taught at the cavern level that weren’t required for the course - so we did those at the end of the class, because they were important for our education (if not for the cert!).

But, let’s assume we have a highly motivated instructor - one who WANTS earnestly to do the best possible job they can. The question then is, can they? And that requires two sets of skills - content skills (ie “can they dive”) but also pedagogical skills. I’m going to set content skills aside - obviously, it’s hard to be a good teacher if you haven’t yourself mastered the dive skills you’re teaching.

The pedagogical skills are trickier, and I think often overlooked in the dive community.

Do you know how do learn? How you help someone learn who doesn’t learn the way you did? Can you lecture well - in ways that are informative, engaging, and not just literally reading the textbook or review quizzes out loud? Can you mix lecture content with in-person demonstrations and hands-on learning? Do you understand basic principles of scaffolding - starting easy and layering complexity (first with help, then removing that help)?

Experienced teachers pick up lots of tricks but also through time an understanding of what skills and concepts trip up the most learners, and get experience in trying different ways to teach those concepts. They learn what they MUST teach (the core ideas/skills), and what are “nice to have,” and how to balance the time spent on those.

Finally, there is the “teaching persona.” Different teachers have different styles, and students have different preferences for those styles. I respond much better to patient humorous student-based learning (“let students make their own mistakes - then let’s talk about them with warmth and humor”). Other people - esp older divers and men in my experience - love strict drill sergeant boot camp-style instruction. Neither is better or worse, but people differ markedly in how well they respond to them.

And specifically, in diving I’ve noticed a strong divide between “drills-based instruction” and “naturalistic instruction.” Again, neither is good or bad, but they are very different approaches. I think it is harder to LEARN how to deliver naturalistic instruction, and it’s easier to teach new instructors how to deliver drills-based instruction - it’s also more standardized, by its very nature. (Which is both a strength and a weakness).

Students also differ in how well they respond to the different approaches. Experienced more introspective and reflective divers do very well with naturalistic instruction. Newer or less reflective divers tend not to, because it requires noticing “what went well” and “what went wrong,” and thinking about what you can do to address those issues. That takes skills in self-observation and a willingness for critical self-reflection that take both experience to develop but also a certain personality. Newer divers may not know enough to know what went well vs poorly, and benefit more from repeated drilling for instance to develop that experience.

GUE spends a lot of time drilling and teaching its instructors in pedagogical skills, and standardizes a lot of the content and applied lessons (“drills”, “procedures”). This is easier for people without prior teaching experience to learn to do WELL, and produces a more standardized base quality experience. There are also not a lot of unmotivated GUE instructors out there - the high barrier to entry tends to deter that. You can’t become a GUE instructor on a whim on your 101st dive.

My favorite instructors have tended to be excellent divers who emphasize teaching through naturalistic experience, do so with warmth and humor, and are skilled at empathetic perspective-taking (putting themselves in the mind of the student). For instance, my cave instructor likes to address finning/trim/buoyancy by having his full cave students swim through the mud tunnels at Ginnie. If they’re clean, no further work to do there. If they’re not, well….not only do we have something to work on but also a VERY dramatic lesson on why proper finning technique matters.

You could do the same thing by swimming circuits at Blue Grotto and videotaping students and reviewing their finning/trim/buoyancy in post-dive debrief. I don’t prefer that approach myself, but will often recommend those instructors to newer divers or those who would benefit from a more “black-and-white” clear step-wise progression in a class. Likewise, some students ARE overconfident and brash - they need someone who will yell at them and shut it down before they get themselves (or someone else) killed. Other students are not, and that harsh approach is not only unnecessary but harmful.

In short: good instructors have some things in common (highly motivated, strong content and pedagogical skills), but the student-instructor fit is also very important. There’s lots of different ways to be a great instructor, and what works great for one student isn’t necessarily what will work best for another.
The pedagogical skills are trickier, and I think often overlooked in the dive community.

GUE spends a lot of time drilling and teaching its instructors in pedagogical skills, and standardizes a lot of the content and applied lessons (“drills”, “procedures”). This is easier for people without prior teaching experience to learn to do WELL, and produces a more standardized base quality experience. There are also not a lot of unmotivated GUE instructors out there - the high barrier to entry tends to deter that. You can’t become a GUE instructor on a whim on your 101st dive.

In short: good instructors have some things in common (highly motivated, strong content and pedagogical skills), but the student-instructor fit is also very important. There’s lots of different ways to be a great instructor, and what works great for one student isn’t necessarily what will work best for another.
I didn't know GUE spent significant time developing pedagogical skills in the instructor course. That is really interesting.

My initial instructional directions were: Tell them what you're going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them.

That was for NAUI, but PADI and SDI are set up the same formulaic way. It's easy to teach to prospective instructors, and can get the job done, but is not necessarily the most nuanced way to teach. Moving beyond that takes experience and intent.

High motivation to teach is an aspect I didn't think of. Super important though, thanks.
I, too, was a career educator--both teacher and administrator.

I would like to offer one (and only one) aspect of what is really a complex question.

The large school district in which I worked experimented with a writing assessment given on one articulation area at grades 4, 8, and 10. I was part of the team tasked with analyzing the results. When the tests had been scored, the results were only partially announced. Each teacher knew how his or her students had done, and they knew the combined results of each of the grade levels, but they did not know how other individual teachers had done. We gave all the teachers an anonymous survey that asked a variety of questions.

The tests had been scored on a 4-point scale, essentially from poor to excellent, and the public was informed that at each grade level, roughly 57% of the students had scored 3 (proficient) or 4 (excellent). What no one but we researches knew was that not one teacher had results anywhere near 57%. Every teacher's classes were either almost exclusively 3-4 (mostly 4) of 1-2 (lots of 1's). That suggests that the teachers had either done a terrible job or a great job preparing students for the test--nothing in between.

Knowing this, we started the surveys with a trick question. We asked them (on a 5-point scale) how their students had done, and, as expected, the responses were all 1's or 5's. Thus, although we thus did not know the names of the teachers completing the surveys, we knew in which of the only two categories they fit.

In the most telling question, we gave them 5 different educational philosophies, and we asked them to select the one that most closely matched their beliefs. Of the 5 choices, only 2 were selected in the responses. Those responses were telling.
  1. 100% of the teachers whose students did well said they believed that all students had the ability to perform at a high level, and it was up to the teacher to find the most effective way to make all students successful. That meant adjusting teaching methods as needed to assist struggling learners.
  2. 100% of the teachers whose students did poorly said they believed that students success depended solely upon their natural ability and effort, and instructional methodology did not matter. The teacher's job was to teach according to his or her "instructional style;" the student's job was to adapt to that style and learn. It was up to the struggling students to put forth the extra effort needed to succeed.
Relating this to scuba, my first tech instructor started the program by telling us flat out that in tech instruction, "we don't hold your hand the way they do in OW classes. It's up to you to learn." He would be in the second category above.
1. Love of diving and of teaching diving;
2. Ability to relate physics and physiology of diving to students and not being afraid to cull the occasional student who is not ready / able to satisfactorily complete the course work;
3. Knowledge of physical requirements for diving and not being afraid to cull the occasional student who is not ready / able to satisfactorily complete the skill set;
4. Knowledge of the equipment of diving, what may be best for an individual student, not trying to sell a particular brand or kit;
5. Respect for the history of diving, what practices came early to what is currently in use and possible future practices;
6. Ability to avoid dogma of any kind.
One of the problems with teaching instructors to use good instructional skills is that a lot of people don't agree with what are the best instructional skills. Here are two examples.

1. When I was a young English teacher, I transferred to a new high school in our district, and as usually happens, I was assigned some classes that the veterans did not want to teach--two sections of a 10th grade writing class for students who hd previously failed it. With the first assignment, I saw that nearly no one in the class could write in complete, understandable sentences. So I pretested them on sentence structure, taught formal grammar sentence structure for two weeks, and post tested. No difference. They still couldn't write in complete sentences. I concluded the obvious--they were incapable of learning that.​
Years later I was a department chair and a different teacher. I created a new program to do essentially the same thing--intervene with 10th graders with writing problems. I sat down to work with a student and saw a mess of fragments and run-ons. I looked at him and realized he was on the verge of dropping out of school, and he was not going to get a thing out of introductory adverbial clause punctuation exercises. Instead, I simply read aloud what he had written exactly as he had written it. He protested that I wasn't reading it right, and I explained that I was reading according to his punctuation. He left and came back with the same piece of writing, with no sentence structure errors. Within two weeks, no student in the class had a sentence structure problem.​
2. One day at the end of a class period, a colleague came into the office and flopped into her chair with a look of wonder on her face. She announced that in one day she had successfully taught a skill that had always taken her two weeks to teach before, and her present students were better after that first day than her students in the past. She had used a radically different approach, and it had worked wonders.​

Both stories illustrate examples of teachers using standard instructional practices and failing, and then succeeding with different approaches. It is not that those different approaches are not known--it's just that they are not the ones typically taught to teachers.

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