This thread did teach us one thing. There really is a "complete misunderstand of the concept of a team". It's the only thing I think we can conclude here. Disappointingly there will be no attempts made to clarify that misunderstanding.
It's not because there is no attempts being made, it's because it's not really a concept that can be listed out in a checklist. The trouble is that there is a basic concept that is hard to explain and even more difficult to get.
I still think it's odd to think of a team as anything but a group of individuals doing something together in a coordinated fashion but I'll accept that I somehow I just don't get it.
See, this is the trouble. It's not a group of individuals, it is a team. As Pug said, it's not about doing, it's about being. It's about being aware of where each member of the team is at any given time of the dive. It's about communicating anything and everything to the other members of the team. It's about being aware, on a subconcious level, of everything you do and how it effects the team. It's about making sure everything you do in the dive is communicated in some way or another to the other members of the team, as well as not doing anything that jepardizes the group as a whole. It's about functioning as one cohesive unit, as opposed to a group of individuals doing something together.
Maybe a few examples are in order, but it still doesn't really get the picture as it's all fairly obvious when you actually grasp the concept. Say your buddy is behind you and stops to look at something. How do you know that they stopped? What do you do when they have stopped? Most likely they would have signalled you to let you know they were stopping. You will know they stopped either actively, because they told you, or passively, because they stopped passive communication [they moved their light beam from your field of view]. Since they are no longer in passive communication with you, it is now your responsibility to establish passive communication with them [since they are looking at something else].
Once you understand the concept of maintaining constant team integrity, things will just start to flow together. Until that concept is understood, the discussion really is fruitless.