don't think it made your list either..
Sharks are one big reason why I dive. Absolutely the best thing to see IMO. In the Galapagos, we were seeing effects of an El Nino event and the previous group on our boat had seen 0 hammerheads...everyone was bummed.
We only saw 1 in the first few dives at Wolf and Darwin, then 2, then 5, then 25, then 150+....I estimated we saw over 700-800 by the end of the trip. Some people were getting jaded by their abundance and would ignore a solid wall of hammers to ogle some mundane reef fish. Go figure...
A good place for sharks is the Socorros (Revillagegedos) Islands in Mexico...we saw 6 species there...hammers, a baby tiger, Galapagos, white tip, silver tip, and tons of silkies. The silkies would occassionally make high speed runs at us while were at the surface handing our gear to the panga drivers...unnerved a few divers. They called it aggressive behavior, I called it curiosity...never saw any erratic swimming, pectoral thrusting, or arching of the back so didn't feel too threatened. Barking dogs don't bite or something...
The other sharkfest site I loved was Cocos Is. Hammers, mating white tips (not a gentile sight, more along the lines of rough group sex) and a squadron of silkies that were tearing up some tuna that were tearing up a bait ball. Great action.