Firstly I apologise for the poor quality photos, the conditions were err, challenging.
Anyway does anybody know what this fish is?
Seen in Bintan (next to Singapore) in the south China sea.
Length about 5cm, depth about 0.5m.
It was spikey like some puffer fishes, but also had a kind of trigger fin like a trigger fish.
Is it maybe a juvenile?
Would love the answer to be a trigger fish, I have a bet that it is.
Firstly I apologise for the poor quality photos, the conditions were err, challenging.
Anyway does anybody know what this fish is?
Seen in Bintan (next to Singapore) in the south China sea.
Length about 5cm, depth about 0.5m.
It was spikey like some puffer fishes, but also had a kind of trigger fin like a trigger fish.
Is it maybe a juvenile?
Would love the answer to be a trigger fish, I have a bet that it is.