What is the most comfortable mask?

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Some good advice above, intermingled with some unhelpful stuff here and there.

If the mast was uncomfortable, it is most likely you had the straps adjusted too tightly. This in itself will not cause a mask squeeze, that is due to unequalized negative pressure in your mask - all you need to do to compensate for this is breathe out some air into your mask as you descend - which most people actually do quite naturally.

One clear indicator of too-tight-mask is pressure on the forehead above the nose - where the frame is just about closest to your face. A correctly-tightened mask should have maybe an inch of give if you pull it away from your face at the surface. The fit - as TSandM points out, is from the skirt around the mask and how it fits your face more than anything else. There are lots of different marketing gimmicks floating about in terms of seal design, and a standard mask should fit a standard person, but not all of us are "standard".

Try before you buy, if you can - as in try to experience the mask underwater before you commit to spending your money. Okay a mask is a relatively inexpensive piece of dive equipment but after several years of peering through the same glass you get kind of attached to them. And for long time divers, losing or breaking a mask is a bit like losing a family member but slightly worse.

Try as many as you can - even if this amounts to sucking them onto your face in the shop by wearing them and inhaling through your nose, you will feel what is comfortable. Me - actually at the moment I am using a mask that I found in 20msw at Far Garden, because it's an okay mask and it was free! But - there was one particular mask I used to own that the first time I tried it on I was like "WOW! I gotta get me one of these!" and so I did and was very sad to see somebody crush it with a tank and they don't sell this particular model in the area I work. Dammit!

There should be nothing uncomfortable about your equipment. If it pulls here or pushes there or chafes in anyway, it's not the right equipment for you.

On the other hand, if you're really struggling to find a mask that fits you - plastic surgery is always an option! :D


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Oh!!! I know the exact one! The one that fits....hahaha.

In serious though your referring to side view(side windows) mask. With a mask it's the most important to acquire the proper one. Looks, style or other is irrelevant. What's relevant is that it fits your face structure with out causing leaks or the squeeze.

The only way to find this type of mask is by procedure. Every opportunity or place you can get a hand of a mask; try it in a pool...try as many as you can.

With cheekbones as you've described it can be an issues with some of the manufacturers selection out there. The side view moles tend to have the leverage of space, therefore they may suit you.

Your only way to come to a a conclusion is by trying. Note! while your at it. consider trying other products that are an issue for you....this would be the perfect time..."kill two birds with one stone"

Have fun diving and enjoy....
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I love my Atomic mask, I have the ultraclear one. It fits to my face so well I can take off the strap and it will stay on my face without the strap underwater.
I would like to add that the only sure way to know if the mask fits is, to try it in with a reg in your mouth under the water. 'Dry fitting' is a good indicator and might be all you need. Or maybe not. I have walked out of dive shops that didn't let me try mask in pool or bring it back if it leaked.
Here it is in a nutshell: Your mask was too tight. Loosen it. If there is a leak issue,
consider applying a small amount of silicon grease all the way around the mask skirt. It's
cheap, and every dive shop has some to sell you. Finally, exhale through your nose every
now and then to equalize mask pressure. I t will make a difference even at shallow pool
Hubby and I tried on a few masks last night since we got to class early. The ones with the windows were OK..I like a couple made by Mare...but my favourite was called the "Big Eye". It comes in clear and that one in particular helped me not feel so closed in.

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