It has been slow to accept changes. It resisted computers, CCR and still does not accept side mount and solo diving. In the age of backmount this style of training and diving was obviously superior to most other options. Would GUE still have the same appeal in another 10 years?
Are GUE numbers increasing or are they decreasing? I understand this is not an agency that has ever measured its strength by its numbers but how dofficult would it be to find a GUE buddy 10 - 15 years from now?
I'm no old mucky muck, but here's my thoughts on your observations:
Computers: Divers/GUE want to know how their computers will react. Back 10-15 years ago (and even still today with most recreational ones) you don't really know. Running a repeatable system (bottom timer/depth gauge) and using your brain as a computer is/was superior. How many threads do you see routinely posted about 'My computer said I couldn't dive today!' In regards to live aboard trips with lots of diving and short SI with a known very conservative brand? Is it wrong? Is the more liberal computer wrong? Which one is more right for the goals of the trip? Does one bend you more?
Relying on a randomly (ie, GUE doesn't dictate by XXX model of ZZZ) proprietary dive computer doesn't result in a 'thinking diver'
Today, there are lots of computers that are better than others in this regard (running VPM, GF, DSAT). Something that is easily repeatable and without too much manufacturer 'secret sauce'.
Everything is still taught with a bottom timer (aside from CCR monitor).
Side mount: there's enough info here already about it. It is a tool. Not the first one to grab, but when required, just like CCR.
In regards to CCR, I like the way it is structured (and hate it too, hey I wanna be cool with a $10 gas bill rather than a $500 bill for the weekend!)
The reasoning is dead simple. You progress through OC learning all the skills you need to survive if you need to bail out of the rebreather (gas switches, multiple bottles, failure resolution, etc). No MOD 1-3, no xyz only. Just dive.
I'm not saying other organizations are doing it wrong, but I agree more with this path than, 'hey, wanna do AOW in a RB?' (SCR like the Hollis)
Solo diving?? Clearly there's no team of one out there in the vast world of TEAM sports.
Where I am, numbers are increasing. There are 2 new instructors in the past 18 months, at least a half dozen starting their ITC as well in that time frame. It used to be 3-4 fundies courses a year, now it's up to 10+ scheduled in the same time frame (especially with the newer Fundies 1/2 format), with more instructors on the way.
Someone also mentioned frivoulous courses like gas blending. In our area, most (all) shops have 1 employee (or just the owner) that have blending training/can blend, as they've gone far enough in their dive training to take a blending course. Real handy when they have days off/holidays and you need tanks filled ....
I can see why they structure it that way, but it's ridiculous to require the blender to be a dive instructor (or similar)!
With this approach, your surface support can actually support dive missions with gas blending. Even a small weekend of picking up trash from a local site requires lots of gas, and gasses!
Rec3, is handy for those that want this training, but not want (or have a need) to do Tec1. I have to drive over 3 hours to get past 80ft .... If I dove just in that radius, why do I even need to go past my OW training?
Just some thoughts,