Question What is the DIR method when it comes to deploying an SMB?

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DSMB deployment was a skill in my Deep Diver class with SSI. I screwed it up on my first dive, so the instructor made me do it on my next one.

I really want to practice it some, but with shore diving here in La Jolla, I am afraid I will attract lifeguards trying to save me. Our instructor, as a courtesy, let the lifeguards know we would be practicing. Not sure why lifeguards would investigate in Diver Below buoy, but maybe that is a thing? Should have practiced on my recent boat dives here in San Diego, that is probably best time to do it.
I have personally seen the lifeguards in La Jolla respond to an SMB being shot. Not really much they can do until you're on shore, though. I'd say practice it to your heart's content, and if asked, just explain you were training. If you're really worried about it, you can always tell the lifeguards beforehand.
Deploy your dsmb on dives when you need to deploy it and there's not much more learning to learn than that
Who knows with too much practice when it comes time, you may be so tired of deploying it you won't be able

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