What is the best scuba diving novel you've ever read?

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The Diamond Hunters--Wilbur Smith

The Eye of the Tiger--Wilbur Smith

+1 on the Wilbur Smith novels! Lots of good books by him, especially the earlier ones.
Inca Gold -- by Clive Cussler. The cenote dive was cool. Loved all his original works but like others have said, I lost interest when the ghost writer took over
The Deep -- it was cool to dive the Rhone right after watching the movie too.
Wet part 1 -- Of course I'd love this one.
Lots of new reads to add to my list.
I'm a mystery fan.
I've read many ranging from good to OK. These come to mind.
Bonnie Cardone
Charlie Hudson
Steve Becker
Glynn Marsh Alam (NoFL caves)
Kathy Brandt (BVI)
Eric Douglas
Since "The Deep" was mentioned, how about "Into the Blue" with Jessica Alba and a bunch of other actors...was it an adaptation from a book?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. In trying to catch up and read all of Cussler's books, he's still my author .
My favorite one is « Histoires d’un scaphandrier or the Stories of a Commercial Diver ». It is not a book but a bilingual blog (French/English) relating numerous stories that happened to me during my 45 years commercial diver career. ;)

Histoires d'un scaphandrier or the Stories of a commercial diver - Plongeur-Scaphandrier depuis très très très longtemps, j'en ai vécu des choses sous eau et ailleurs. POUR VOIR TOUT LES ARTICLES PUBLIES ALLEZ AU BAS DE LA PAGE ET CLIQUER SUR TOP ART
Deep Descent and Shadow Divers are my two favorite. Sea hunters I and II were good too but not as good as those too. I also liked Fatal Depth which was also about diving the Andrea Doria, but I read it right after Deep Descent so I didn't like it as much. I guess those aren't novels tho. After reading alot of the comments I will have to pick up so of Cilve Clusslers other books tho!

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