This is a private forum with minimal moderation to allow open and frank discussions on more advanced topics among tech diving peers.
This is not designed to be a learning zone or an introduction to tech forum for those just moving into technical diving. Newcomers to tech diving and entry level tech divers are encouraged to participate in Technical Diving Specialties Forum instead.
Before requesting access to the T2T forum you MUST meet one of the following requirements:
1. Hold a full tech cert (Cave, Trimix, CCR, etc.)
2. Have 3 entry level tech certs (Advanced Nitrox, Deco, Cavern, Wreck, etc.)
3. Have 2 entry level + recommendation from an active T2T member.
Failure to include the above information with your join request including Agency, Certification # and Certification Level will result in the request being denied. Access may be denied or revoked at any time at group leader discretion.
Because of the diversity of users, new members are encouraged make a brief post in the T2T Introduction Thread that includes information on certification level, dive history and first name so that other members can get a feel of the person we're talking to.
This is not designed to be a learning zone or an introduction to tech forum for those just moving into technical diving. Newcomers to tech diving and entry level tech divers are encouraged to participate in Technical Diving Specialties Forum instead.
Before requesting access to the T2T forum you MUST meet one of the following requirements:
1. Hold a full tech cert (Cave, Trimix, CCR, etc.)
2. Have 3 entry level tech certs (Advanced Nitrox, Deco, Cavern, Wreck, etc.)
3. Have 2 entry level + recommendation from an active T2T member.
Failure to include the above information with your join request including Agency, Certification # and Certification Level will result in the request being denied. Access may be denied or revoked at any time at group leader discretion.
Because of the diversity of users, new members are encouraged make a brief post in the T2T Introduction Thread that includes information on certification level, dive history and first name so that other members can get a feel of the person we're talking to.
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