What is it with divers?

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Why are divers so obsessed with diving? The divers I know, myself included, are always thinking about diving. If it's not when or where, it's what new gadget to make or buy or making a new connection with another diver. Is there something physiological? We gotta dive to get our high? We're hooked on something? I can't think of any other hobby that is so addicting (except maybe running?).

Spend some time around golfers--at least the ones I know are worse than addicted and their really not very good at it but they will go out and play regardless of the weather. They think diving is the stupidest activity on the face of the earth.
Kim, was it this one: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0140367616/qid=1087697809/sr=ka-1/ref=pd_ka_1/002-5541827-6556055 by Robert Ballantyne?

As for the drug induced love of diving, i think it comes from a variety of things, its that feeling of floating effortlessly, being able to move in any 3-D (kind of like skydiving, but without the ground and parachute to worry about ;) ), the quietness, lack of stress and things to bug you (in fact my breathing rate falls off another 0.1 cuft/min on every night dive from its normal rate), its the thought of being up close to all those fish, or corals or wrecks that you have seen on the tv (or in the case of fish a fish tank). I find myself strangely hypnotized by it all and thinking about it all day everyday, i even feel like i am floating whilst falling off to sleep - no that isnt induced by aliens taking my body away ;) . The social part is nice, but its not my reason for diving, i dive to play in the water and enjoy what i am doing and seeing, nothing more nothing less. Addictive, certainly!!!
Yes - that's it. It was one of my favorite stories when I was a kid. Anyone with kids who doesn't know it (and who'd like to read an old fashioned good story) - get it!!

Sorry Tony but I gotta tell it like it is or was---I start a new job Monday and one of the guys there is a diver!!!!! Old job---nothing but golfers and baskball watchers.
Doesnt everyone in other sports think that theirs is the best and all others are stupid?
Doesnt everyone in other sports think that theirs is the best and all others are stupid?
Not at all! :D I think all sports are great! (which my wife TOTALLY doesn't understand!!)
I was a Tennis player before I was a diver. I played Tennis in other states. I wore a T shirt that said, "Life is Tennis"..I LOVED tennis.

Now that I'm a diver, I dive in other states, and countries. I wear a Scubaboard T shirt. I LOVE Diving.

What's next for me? Could be anything..but I still LOVE Tennis, and Diving, and always will.
You'll be an Astronaut next.. you'll astronaut in other atmospheres.. wear a t-shirt that says "I love spacing!" ;)
When I dive, the world goes away and I'm at peace.
That about sums it up for me.

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