What Hood?

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Reaction score
South Eastern Idaho USA
# of dives
50 - 99
I recently bought a semi-dry suit. (Wetsuit with seals in the ankles, wrists and neck.) I was wondering what kind of a hood would work best. Most of my diving is in Idaho and most of the water is snow melt. That means cold. I have seen a hood by Harvey's that was designed to work with their semi suit in that it had the slick side out on the neck. I have also seen some dry suit hoods that have their own neck seals. How do these work and would they work with a semi-dry? Any guidance would be great.

I have the Mares Semi-Dry and use a bibbed Mares hood with it. Seems to work well. I think any bibbed hood would work fine. If you have a neck seal like my Mares, then you may not even need a bibbed hood, I just got one for a little extra protection I guess. Another option is the hooded vest which would provide some extra warmth in the chest area as well.

I hope this helps,
My favorite hood is one from LeisurePro-Dacor dry suit model that was 5 BUCKS!!!!!! and that's what I really like about it.

I also have a Harvey's hood that has a very tight neck on it and this allows no water to seep in-it was $43.00 but it was bought at the LDS.
Just like the wetsuit, the most important factor is that it fits. I also like the ones with the holes in them that let out any trapped air from your bubbles (but you can always add them yourself with a soldering iron and a patch over it)
I have a Scubapro Scotia semi dry with a matching hood. The neck seal has two collars so the hood fits between them. It's a good system, better IMHO than the Mares Isotherm system.
I went with Harvey's hooded vest. Mine is 3 mm so under my 3 mm scubapro 1 pc, I get both a hood and a 6 mm torso coverage,

Good for my colder dives (which are not that cold). I guess that in summer I will use it without the suit.

Ari :)

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