What have you seen underwater that you'll never forget?

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This was on Oahu. The Sea Tiger dive was with justleesa and turtleguys op.
My best UW moment would have to be the time I went on a dive to Jervis Bay on the south coast of Australia and managed to hypnotise a port jackson shark!!!
Also diving thru the President Coolidge with a huge school of bat fish was awesome, the wound from the Crown of Thorns wasn't as exciting!!
I was on a solo spearfishing dive at 90 feet, about 20 miles west of Key West. The viz was about about 25 feet. I was cruising slowly along when a huge shape began to emerge from the murk. I stopped, and a large (at least 10 feet) sawfish swam slowly by. He swam by so slowly, I could have counted the teeth on his saw,and was so close I could easily have touched him with my gun. In several thousand dives, I have seen lots of neat stuff, but this moment always stands out in my memory.
Please, no comments about my lack of a love life after this one.
So I was diving Del Monte beach in Monterey with a friend, when in the distance (it was a good viz day) at maybe 40 feet, I swear I saw a naked woman bicycle kicking through the water, about a meter off the bottom. I even thought to myself "Isn't she cold?"
Then, as I angled to move towards the phantom nudist, I noticed that it was in fact 2 large rays swimming next to one another, the smaller of the two trailing slightly.

One Summer day, swimming alone near Chesapeake Light, the gulfstream was carried inshore by the east wind and the water below crystal clear. I was freediving, cruising on the surface with my gun, and bored. On exceptional clear water days the game fish seem to disappear. From behind, at a depth of 30 ft, appeared a 300-400 pound Mola Mola. It began to rise, moving slowly and gracefully using its dorsal and pelvic fins for locomotion, gently swaying and rolling its eyes upward. It approached slowly, at a depth of 10 feet, rolled its huge body a few degrees, seemed to be smiling as it stared at me for a brief moment, picked up a bit of speed and, diving at a shallow angle, disappeared into the blue mist beyond.
A guy diving butt naked. He had on a tank, Bcd, gloves and full foot fins. He was coming around a rock outcropping while i was on a saftey stop at 15feet. My buddy laughed so hard he drank some water and i was just shocked! He waved and went on his way. This was 3 years ago in Turkey. I will regret not having a camera for the rest of my life!
My favorite buddy and my best friend and I were doing the Hilma Hooker. We started at the bow and worked our way to the stern. After several swim throughs and the obligatory visit to the engine room we did the usual pictures at the stern wheel. I went to the top of the wreck where I encountered the Sergeant Major Dads guarding their eggs. I happened to glance at the propeller and my buddy and best friend was ascending beneath the opening. The sunlight filtered through and her green eyes glowed big and luscious through the yellow frame of her mask. That was the best and most exciting thing I have ever seen underwater. Melted my soul. Gotta love it.
Whale sharks to the left of me, mantas to the right! Anambas, Indonesia (near Pulau Tioman, Malaysia). 24 October 2003 - a day that will live on forever with every bubble I blow.
And now showing at a cinema near you, well on your DVD anyway!!!!

during dive - Heading back to shore and being passed by a guy with a small child under his arm breathing off his octopus, strange

Post dive - Seeing a cow about a mile offshore, just swimming along

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