This is probably a completely separate thread, but since you posted the idea I'll play.
In SE Fla we have a ton of really good regulator technicians that do alot of rebuilds. Most say even after rinsing, air-blasting, dripping etc, you just will never get 100% of all the moisture out of a regulator setup. There will always be some 'amount' of water {salt or fresh} that will still be inside of your regs. Don't believe me? Blast purge your regs upside down a week after your last rinse onto/into a paper towel and look at the paper towel to see the moisture droplets that come out.
For this reason, many reg techs say you should store your regs horizontally flat so that the moisture settles into the middle of your hoses and not hanging thereby moisture settling against the reg's seats. Having just written this above, EVERY reg rebuild shop I've been in,,, stores their customer regs hanging. Pretty confusing, but I store my regs horizontally between dives to keep the seats dry, your mileage may vary.