Since I tend to solo, my dives plans are also abbreviated.
1) Determine the purpose of the dive, explore, practice skills, chill-out, look for a certain critter, etc...
2) Check my gear at least 2x to insure against stupid issues
3) Determine rock bottom pressure and turn pressure (if applicable) for the depth & location
4) Plot out a dive rout if possible (and applicable) to get back to the entry point (without doing a periscope ascent)
5) Plan a check-in routine to trigger a search in a reasonable time frame should the worst happen
1) Determine the purpose of the dive, explore, practice skills, chill-out, look for a certain critter, etc...
2) Check my gear at least 2x to insure against stupid issues
3) Determine rock bottom pressure and turn pressure (if applicable) for the depth & location
4) Plot out a dive rout if possible (and applicable) to get back to the entry point (without doing a periscope ascent)
5) Plan a check-in routine to trigger a search in a reasonable time frame should the worst happen