What do YOU consider a good dive?

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A good dive for me is any dive where I can see or experience something that makes me smile or do a "happy dance". It can be a critter, wreck, natural beauty, good dive buddy, or something as simple as just because I'm floating around blowing bubbles ... as long as I'm not stressin', it's a good dive ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Diving is like sex. At its best, it's a truely amazing experience. And at its worst, it's still better than going to work...
Diving is like sex. At its best, it's a truely amazing experience. And at its worst, it's still better than going to work...

Not sure I can agree with that ... at it's worst, diving can cause stress, panic, injury or death. Under those circumstances, I think I'd really rather be at work.

We all dive for fun ... but always gotta remember pay respect to Mr. Murphy, so we don't end up paying dues to Mr. Darwin ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I usually define dives by my physical comfort. It doesn't matter how great the scenery is, or how awesome a wreck or cave is, or how interesting the marine life is as long as I am warm, healthy, in the zone and happy, it's a great dive!

It's kind of like running. You can win an Olympic gold medal, but the run may have just been difficult from a physical and emotional point of view. Getting the medal is great, but the run itself may have sucked. Conversely, you can go out and hit the track, bricks or trail and just find everything coming together to make you feel great no matter how fast or slow you go.

For me, diving is a sensual sport whether I'm freediving or using scuba. Whatever diving makes me feel that day - physically, mentally, spiritually is how the dive becomes defined.
Not sure I can agree with that ... at it's worst, diving can cause stress, panic, injury or death. Under those circumstances, I think I'd really rather be at work.

We all dive for fun ... but always gotta remember pay respect to Mr. Murphy, so we don't end up paying dues to Mr. Darwin ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Sure, but those are all possible for me at work, too.

And in case it wasn't obvious, my comment was not intended to be completely serious. :)
Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who really loves to dive just for the love of the marine life. It is great to see SB posters with the same passion for marine life!

I didn't mention before but comfort in the water is huge. I have recently started getting a lot more control over my buoyancy and trim in the water and diving as improved orders of magnitude over how it was before (and I loved it before too!).

Thanks for all your comments and input :D
Diving is like sex. At its best, it's a truely amazing experience. And at its worst, it's still better than going to work...

One smart person once told me. It is better to be on the surface wishing you are diving than diving wishing you are on the surface.
For me any dive I am comfortable with is a good dive. In short year I've been diving I had few dives in Monterey, few dives at Key Largo, few dives off of coast of Carolinas, few dives in Thailand and more then few in local quarries.

Sure it is nice to only put 3mm on and dive but the kettle boat in Thailand does not hold a candle to simple beach dive in Monterey or off the boat in Monterey with a great buddy.
A good dive is first, one that I enjoyed for whatever reason and surfaced safely.
Bonuses include:
Diving with new divers.
Diving with good friends and making new ones.
Diving with great vis and being able to produce a great video as a result.
Spotting something amazing and sharing it with my buddy.
Diving in warm water. (Rarely the case here in SoCal)
A dive where no one cares about your gear configuration or color.
Diving new places.
A dive where my drysuit stays dry.
A dive where my tank lasts longer than my NDL.

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