What do to when your dive is cancelled...

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Orlando, FL
For the second time in two weeks, the weather has conspired against my planned dives. This time, it was an entire dive weekend. ;-0 I think Mother Nature is out to get me.

In trying to be a good sport about this (translation: I've been sitting around feeling pretty sorry for myself) I was going to compile a list of things to do when your dive is cancelled.

-Plan your next dive!
-Shop for new gear online (spend all of the money you saved not diving!)
-Post to the scuba board

More ideas, anyone?

Since I had to reload an NT server due to the Nimda virus instead of diving this weekend!!! People who make virus' for computers should be shot... or given a few human vurus' so they can see for themselves all the misery they cause!!!


Hey, it's nice to know I'm not the only one indulging in self-pity today. At least I *had* good plans, which meant days of entertainment leading up to the weekend. I doubt you were really looking forward to reloading that server!

Hi there Julie

It seems to be a given that when I have days off that the reef is rockin way too rough to go lobstering. When I'm working, the reef is smooth as glass. Why is that?

Oh well, that's when we break out the BBQ and a good bottle (or two) of wine and plan the next dive!
I've only missed two planned dives, once from a broken truck, carrier bearing went out.

here after it rains I just hang out at the retention basins, look both ways and get a Texas Swamp dive in.

once when I couldn't clear my ears I just threw rocks, missed everything but the water :)

I have found that looking or shopping for Scuba items after not divng is counter productive depressing, you might end up telling yourself "what's the use I'll NEVER use it anyway"

The BBQ can I join?

When I find my self in an extended surface interval I pass the time by:
These Top Ten Things to Do.

1) Reading every scuba and dive magazine in the house.
2) Cleaning up my gear storage area.
3) Going to the book store looking for any books with dive related story lines etc.
4) Watching movies such as Deep Blue Sea, Jaws, The Deep, and one I really want to watch soon again The Abyss.
5) Shopping or window shopping for more gear that I probably don't need right now.
6) Planning dive trips to exotic dive locations by searching on the web and daydreaming about what it will be like.
7) Reading and writing on these boards.
8) Talking to anyone that will listen about my last dive.
9) Looking at my pictures that I took last dive.
10) Checking my log book and making sure it is all caught up.
I'm with Cindy. I read every dive magazine. And lay out in the sun and work on my tan.
When my dive trips get cancelled, it usually seems to be in the AM, which leads to brunch. A few mimosas do ease the pain, at least to a certain degree...

I'm sorry to hear that! I was actually thinking about Blue Springs today in that "consolation prize" type way, but I ended up going ice skating instead. (If you can't dive under it, skate on it!)

I have an advanced class checkout dive at Lake Denton next Sunday... Don't tell Mother Nature!


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