What are your opinions for the best DIR Reg setup?

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Windosr, CT
What are your opinions for the best DIR Reg setup? :06:

I currently own Scubapro:
New MK25
Slightly used MK20

New S550
Slightly used G500
Slightly used R380

At some point, I want to dive doubles (so I need two 1st stages).

Can/should I use the MK25(primary) and the MK20(secondary) for doubles?
So what first stage should I use for the single tank?
What 2nd stage Primary reg should I use?
In addition, what 2nd stage Secondary reg should I use?

First time posting here!
Scubaboard.com is a great thing! :07:

I would use the G500/R380 for primary and backup second stages.

You can upgrade the Mk20 to a Mk25 (IIRC) if it bothers you to have two different first stages.

I never liked the S550.

What are your opinions for the best DIR Reg setup? :06:

I currently own Scubapro:
New MK25
Slightly used MK20

New S550
Slightly used G500
Slightly used R380

At some point, I want to dive doubles (so I need two 1st stages).

Can/should I use the MK25(primary) and the MK20(secondary) for doubles?
So what first stage should I use for the single tank?
What 2nd stage Primary reg should I use?
In addition, what 2nd stage Secondary reg should I use?

First time posting here!
Scubaboard.com is a great thing! :07:

I dont think you will notice any difference between the 2 first stages so but whateven you want (wichever breathes better) as your primary.

The G500 dosent make a good back up because of the shape. The R380 should not be used as a primary as it dosent breath that good, so that leaves the s550 or s500 as primarys.

If your not gonna be diving doubles for a while use whateve reg you wish as your singles reg, but if your gonna dive doubles I would highly recomend getting another first and second to minimize having to change hoses and such, as this put wear and tear on the ports.
Dan Gibson:
I would use the G500/R380 for primary and backup second stages.

You can upgrade the Mk20 to a Mk25 (IIRC) if it bothers you to have two different first stages.

I never liked the S550.

Hi Dan,

What don't you like about the S550? (I have not dove it yet.)

I just didn't like the way the S550 breathed for my primary. I also favor the G500 since it has an external adjustment. That is really necessary when diving stages in high flow. You need to be able to dial the primary down when it's clipped off or it can freeflow.

I already had an R380 for my backup and mine breathes well.

I have since moved the G500 to a stage/deco regs and use the S600 as my primary.

Hi Dan,

What don't you like about the S550? (I have not dove it yet.)

I wouldn't use the S550 as a primary because it can't be dialed down when stage diving. The G500 is a better choice.

I dont think you will notice any difference between the 2 first stages so but whateven you want (wichever breathes better) as your primary.

The G500 dosent make a good back up because of the shape. The R380 should not be used as a primary as it dosent breath that good, so that leaves the s550 or s500 as primarys.

If your not gonna be diving doubles for a while use whateve reg you wish as your singles reg, but if your gonna dive doubles I would highly recomend getting another first and second to minimize having to change hoses and such, as this put wear and tear on the ports.
I dont think you will notice any difference between the 2 first stages so but whateven you want (wichever breathes better) as your primary.

The G500 dosent make a good back up because of the shape. The R380 should not be used as a primary as it dosent breath that good, so that leaves the s550 or s500 as primarys.

If your not gonna be diving doubles for a while use whateve reg you wish as your singles reg, but if your gonna dive doubles I would highly recomend getting another first and second to minimize having to change hoses and such, as this put wear and tear on the ports.

Hi WaterDawg,

What do you think about using say, MK25 with a Apexs ATX50 primary and a SP G500 secondary Regs? (mix and matching?)

I go with twin Aqualung LX Supremes. Check out the breathing stats yourself before blindly defaulting to what everyone else uses.

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