Tom Smedley:At Karpata the road up the coast tees. You can go right and end up in Rincon. You can go left and end up at the gates to the BOPEC storage facility. Keep going past the rock wall and make a right just before the gates at BOPEC. Follow the unpaved road all the way around the facility and you will be back on level with the ocean. You can see a road over packed rocks that goes off to the right and that is Taylor Maid. If you keep going on this road you will see some fantastic scenery and end up at a fishing village. There is another site called NUKOVE where you have to climb down a cliff to get to the water. We dove once at the fishing village itself.
They fish at night and usually have catch available in the morning. If not just ask when they will have some. The village mostly speaks Spanish. There are also some old salt pans with flamingos and feral donkeys all around. Once we left Taylor Maid and were heading back when we ran into some fishermen whose radiator had boiled over. We stopped and gave them our rinse water and some cold beer. Then they were on their way again.
Bonaire is such a fun and exciting place.
Cool thanks for the info. I am copying this so can remember. I now know where you are talking about. We started to go up that way but my wife wanted to eat dinner so we ended up on to rincon and never made it back up that far again. Next trip we have two weeks and plan on doing a little more investigating .