I was on the dive as well. I was at 45ft when I heard the bang, looked up and saw the line go slack - my instinct was to let go because I had no idea if I had anything coming my way (didn't know if it was the boat.....). Did a controlled ascent and was back on the surface in just over a minute, interestingly enough about 75-100 yards from the boat. This is when training pays off -- blew the whistle, David spotted and marked me, got to deploy the safety sausage, and floated (more like bouncing up and down) for about 10-15 minutes till Steve could make his way over to pick me up. I thought it was great, made for a memorable dive, no one got hurt, and the guys doing deco made their stops. All in all, they handled it well. Vis was pretty good on the Poling (20-25ft), and I ran into a couple of schools of pollack alongside the wreck. Diver85, that's what we call fun in New England, we don't have that nice warm year round weather....btw, checked out your pix -- very nice.