Wetsuit probs........

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You're the smart one. What's the point in being macho and cold!

My wife was saying she didn't need a wetsuit for her confiend water training in a UK pool but after the first session I persuaded her it would be a good idea. After the second session she agreed.

My only recommendation to you would have been to buy a full length suit. Even if you go diving in warm water say 78-82f you will still lose heat in a shorty and your arms and legs are exposed to stinging things.

As for the knife you'll probably be arrested for being in possession of an offensive weapon.

A smart diver knows their limitations. And knows how to work WITHIN them. That is especially true when it comes to exposure protection.

Most Instructors & DMs I know (yours truly included) wear exposure protection ALL THE TIME. That includes the pool! My husband the CD is a big strapping fellow who doesn't chill easily, but would you find him doing pool sessions in a T-Shirt & bathing suit? Absolutely not.

You obviously are the smart one who remembered that you will lose body heat quickly in ANY water that is not "blood temperature". And what water do you know, pool included, that is heated to 98.6F?

You're off to a great start... welcome to scuba! :D

A very wise move you made. It's no fun to be in the pool during practice sessions and finding one freezing their #@% OFF!

Good luck old chap with your begining adventures in diving.......:)

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