West End Dive Resort

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Looking to book for the end of July & options are limited. We're considering West End Dive Resort but it seems to be enmeshed with Splash? I can't tell if the West End Dive operation is affiliated to which resort. Anyone stay here? Looking for a kid friendly shop for my 13 year old to get certified. After he gets his cert, I'm hoping to find a shop that frequents Dolphins Den. Any reqs?
Looking to book for the end of July & options are limited. We're considering West End Dive Resort but it seems to be enmeshed with Splash? I can't tell if the West End Dive operation is affiliated to which resort. Anyone stay here? Looking for a kid friendly shop for my 13 year old to get certified. After he gets his cert, I'm hoping to find a shop that frequents Dolphins Den. Any reqs?
First, I'm not sure I would take a newly certified diver to Dolphins Den (aka Dolphins Graveyard).

But you are correct. West End Dive Resort is affiliated with Splash Inn, not West End Divers.

West End Divers does have some recommended (but not affiliated) places to stay. Dive & Stay

The reality is you can stay anywhere and dive anywhere in West End. There are places for every budget and preference. If you want to dive with Splash, they have an economical stay and dive package. If you want to dive with West End, it's more of an a la carte experience but they are excellent.

If you want more information about West End Divers and what's around, send the an email. Courtney Blankenship, the shop manager, is awesome and can answer all your questions.

Personally, I've stayed at Lost Paradise multiple times. It's rustic but clean and charming. And they treat guests like family. Next door is Brisas del Mar - also stayed there. More upscale and renovated rooms. But also more than double the price. Both are easy walking distance to West End Divers. But there are many many other places to stay as well.
First, I'm not sure I would take a newly certified diver to Dolphins Den (aka Dolphins Graveyard).

But you are correct. West End Dive Resort is affiliated with Splash Inn, not West End Divers.

West End Divers does have some recommended (but not affiliated) places to stay. Dive & Stay

The reality is you can stay anywhere and dive anywhere in West End. There are places for every budget and preference. If you want to dive with Splash, they have an economical stay and dive package. If you want to dive with West End, it's more of an a la carte experience but they are excellent.

If you want more information about West End Divers and what's around, send the an email. Courtney Blankenship, the shop manager, is awesome and can answer all your questions.

Personally, I've stayed at Lost Paradise multiple times. It's rustic but clean and charming. And they treat guests like family. Next door is Brisas del Mar - also stayed there. More upscale and renovated rooms. But also more than double the price. Both are easy walking distance to West End Divers. But there are many many other places to stay as well.
I'm trying to decide Condo/house or all inclusive hotel/resort, what are meal prices like? If we go with Condo/House
I know Courtney very well at West End. Two huge thumbs up - have dove with her for years. We originally found the shop 7 or 8 years ago because our friend’s daughter dives and she was 11. West End was super accommodating back then and so we have been diving with them ever since.
I know Courtney very well at West End. Two huge thumbs up - have dove with her for years. We originally found the shop 7 or 8 years ago because our friend’s daughter dives and she was 11. West End was super accommodating back then and so we have been diving with them ever since.
Is a month too long for Roatan, or will the dives be the same ones over & over?
A month feels too long - but that’s just me. Start with a week or two.

If you find a condo or air bnb in west end then everything is fairly cheap - even diving. You can get excellent ‘street food’ for a couple bucks USD or eat at 30 dollars a plate restaurants. We tend to stick to the local food because it is so so so good. Your dive shop can be pretty helpful in letting you know if the condo is good or bad. It’s mainly a cash island and they can be sticklers on the quality the US dollars. They won’t take anything over a 20 and the 20 needs to be rip free. There are a couple ATM’s but they may run out of cash. More places are taking credit or PayPal - but not guaranteed

For west bay, I don’t have any experience with the resorts.
I'm trying to decide Condo/house or all inclusive hotel/resort, what are meal prices like? If we go with Condo/House
In West End? Besides Splash Inn which I think is full board rather than all inclusive (and the food has gone downhill), I'm not aware of any all inclusive resorts in West End. There are a few out of town (e.g. AKR and CCV), and a few in West Bay. But not many options in West End. So if that's where you want to be, your options are more limited to a la carte - condo or hotel.

If you go with condo/house, you can buy groceries for many of your meals. Make a stop at Eldon's if you want to go that path.

As for eating out, there are options for every budget in West End. On the very cheap end, Baleadas at Calelu's or on the street are a few bucks each (I can make a meal of one). The street food is excellent and $5-10. You can get a 1/4 chicken dinner with sides at Creole's rotisserie chicken for about $10. But you can also go for a more upscale sit down dinner and pay near US rates. But even if you have a bigger budget, I encourage you to try some of the street food.
Is a month too long for Roatan, or will the dives be the same ones over & over?
For first time in Roatan, perhaps. I go 3 to 3 1/2 weeks every year but I love the vibe there.

If you are with the same shop the whole time, the dive sites will likely be the same. But another option is to spend some time in West End/West Bay (they are close so tend to do the same dive sites) then head to CocoView on the other side of the island and experience things over there too.
I like street food, What about Utila 2 weeks there and 2 weeks West End?
I like street food, What about Utila 2 weeks there and 2 weeks West End?
Haven't been to Utila but lots of people do it.

Also consider Guanaja. There are a few all inclusive resorts there. It's on my list of places I would love to go but I need a travel buddy for that.

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