Well....we got wet on the 4th of July!

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near Houston, Texas
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When we got to the lake this morning the sun was peaking in and out of the clouds. Brenda and Tony looked well rested after their night on the point and were still wet from their morning dip. Donbon was there already. We didn't give him too much hassle for being the FNG! :wink: We shortly got geared up and went in search of a weight pocket lost last Sunday. At some point during the dive we noticed it getting darker but I just figured it was clouds. And the flashes? I figured they were coming from Tony's camera. Nope! When we surfaced it was pouring down and lightening!

As camp came into view, we could see that only 1 of the 3 canopies was still doing it's thing...the other two had collapsed. Slowly picking our way through the slick mud, yep...my feet went left and I went sort of right, landing on my tank. You know how everything seems in slow motion when you fall? Well, according to all the witnesses, it really did happen that way! I have to admit, it was the most painless fall I've taken in a long time. haha

The sun started peeking out after about an hour. Fetch had arrived. We didn't want to dry out so we went back out. Yep, ended the dive in the rain again. By this time the ground was a muddy slush and Donbon had already shown superior intelligence by leaving during the third dive. So we started the chore of packing up wet stuff, pulling trucks out of the mud and trying to keep the sticky stuff out of the vehicles!

But you know what? We had a blast! There was only 8 of us...Brenda and Tony, Paula and Nick, Donbon and Fetch, and Beast and me. We had expected about 20 folks today so there's plenty of briskett left and Brenda's got potato salad left. Guess what Tony and Beast are eating the rest of the weekend?!?!

A few photos....


Those benches look great! So does the banner!

Glad y'all had fun. Wet is wet and if you've got a tank strapped on your back, it's a good thing.
Diving in a lightning storm is the COOLEST!!! Glad you had a safe and fun 4TH. Didnt go diving this weekend because I am waiting on my new pt-010 housing to come in before I get wet again. Its already been shipped and should be here Monday or Tuesday. Yippeee!
No picture of the killer bass?

Can't wait to meet up again... nice dive site...

I just need to talk someone else into going for a first -- that way I won't retain the great title of FNG for long....
Sounds like fun Dee!

Our Saturday morning started off the opposite of yours.... threatening clouds and cool morning temps with heavy rain by the time we started suiting up. When we went for our 3rd dive it was sunny and hot enough for us to sweat our a$$es off.

Glad there are others getting wet this weekend also!

donbon once bubbled...
No picture of the killer bass?

Can't wait to meet up again... nice dive site...

I just need to talk someone else into going for a first -- that way I won't retain the great title of FNG for long....

Tony has a great movie clip of the bass and his fin. There's enough fin to tell how big that bugger is! He's also got some cool pictures of it. I'm sure he'll be posting them when he gets a chance.
Thursday was the premium diving.....viz up to 25 ft.! The bass attacked Brenda's fin first when she, Randy and I were cruising the roadbed. Bren thought she was kicking Randy.....LOL I didn't have the settings right on the camera, but here's a shot of his mug!

Randy hung around till 10ish and Bren and I did a night dive and slept to the tune of fireworks and had a cool breeze.
After some breakfast we made a nice morning dive on the west end and surfaced to find Nick, Paula, and Don at the site. Da' Beast and Dee made it in time for a bit of sunshine prior to the bottom falling out like Dee pointed out. Here's another shot of the campsite prior to the "storm" damage.

Great meeting Nick and family and Don....and seeing Fetch before he headed out on his trek. OH....and seeing the pics of Randy's light of his life....
See you tomorrow if you're out there.....STEVE!
I know Dee and Doug will be if the weather holds....

Well always wondered what it would be like to dive in my hometown of Des Moines. Well I finally did it. Not very good. Went to Clearwater Beach in West Des Moines. Old sand pit that was an unpoliced party place when i was in high school with the underage drinking, etc. Now it is closed to public and leased by local dive shop and water ski club. they have some training platforms and a sunken milk truck. visibility was about 3 feet maximum. Water temps in 80's. Lots of fish though. Divers stay to one side of the lake and skiers stay on other side. Interesting to talk to people about diving up there. Lots of cold quarries and lakes. Trip prices to carribean spots are higher than here due to high airfares from midwest Did three dives at fairly shallow depths. Max depth was 30'. Bunch of big clams in lake. Dive shop owner was a nice guy who made me feel welcome and found me dive buddies for the day. Interesting experience that i probably wont repeat.

Hope to be at Twin Lakes this coming weekend and catch up with everybody.
leiserom how are you doing, Sounds like your trip was ok except the vis. I plan on diving at twin lakes during the week maby by next week. Do you dive during the week?
Talk to you later,

Sounds like all had alot of fun. Wish I could have been there. Had to be out of town to take care of my Father


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