One stop forward, one step back. But I'm committed now...
TL;DR Questions: 1) Anyone have any kind of service drawings for *any* Haskel booster, even if not an AGD-7? 2) What kind of silicone lubricant should I use, ideally O2 compatible?
I was able to replace the o-rings on the cycling valve spool with simple -017 70A Buna-N o-rings. Put everything back together. Equalized the working gas supply/destination at 1000 PSI and cracked the drive gas... No more rush of exhaust gas and the booster built pressure: rather rapidly up to about 1500-1800 PSI (with simply a closed valve on the destination output), when I stopped the drive gas. Nice so far!
I got the sounds that I expected out of the booster: mostly silence, until a loudish, explosive POOF. By now, my drive gas cylinder is empty, so the cycling was very slow.
Now the step back: at about 1500 PSI, there was a distinct breeze at the top of the booster with the sound you associate with a loose fitting. Unfortunately, putting one hand on each side of the large, central cylinder where it meets the large end caps, I feel a breeze from the left side. When it cycles, it stops on the left and I feel a much smaller breeze from the right. So... definitely going to need some more work, and no doubt more parts as well.
At this point, I've decided to keep this. I've negotiated with the seller and he's returned half of my purchase price. So at this point, I'm $500 in. I figure if nothing else, it's a cheap way for me to really learn the ins and outs of a booster. If that's all I get out of it, it's still worth $500 -- knowledge isn't free, and it's way cheaper than another SCUBA class...
And if I can put, say, less than $1000 into it and have a working booster, I think I'm ahead of the game. And if not, when I buy my next booster for decent money, I won't risk damaging it due to my learning curve.
So you're stuck with me asking questions!
First step will be to start cleaning this thing. I will clean the outside extensively first, then start taking it apart. I've reviewed the Haskel maintenance videos -- they make it seem so easy! But one more time asking: does *anyone* have any kind of service diagrams for this thing -- or any 5 1/4" Haskel? Printed drawings are so much better to refer to than videos....... and the videos say things like "refer to your booster drawings for more information"...
Second: this thing uses a *lot* of lubricant. In one video, they suggest Haskel 03-G321-05T. This seems to be Novagard Versilube G321 (and $20 instead of $100: specs here). It looks milky white and thin, visually similar to Chrsto-Lube MCG-111 rather than, say, typical clear and goopy Trident silicone grease. Yet the Operating and Maintenance Manual (OM-3S) references Haskel lubricant 50866, which I'm only seeing in 5g units (and $17). Regardless: what would you suggest I use here? Particularly given that I'd prefer something O2 compatible if possible, even if I'm not planning at this moment to boost O2... (Of course, it doesn't really matter on the drive gas side...)
Any other words of wisdom before I start tearing this thing apart? A suggestion on what to start with, or what to avoid for now because it's much harder? Anything that if I take it apart I'll *have* to use replacement parts to put it back together -- like one-use-only packing or something?
Again, thank you all for your attention! I really appreciate it.
TL;DR Questions: 1) Anyone have any kind of service drawings for *any* Haskel booster, even if not an AGD-7? 2) What kind of silicone lubricant should I use, ideally O2 compatible?
I was able to replace the o-rings on the cycling valve spool with simple -017 70A Buna-N o-rings. Put everything back together. Equalized the working gas supply/destination at 1000 PSI and cracked the drive gas... No more rush of exhaust gas and the booster built pressure: rather rapidly up to about 1500-1800 PSI (with simply a closed valve on the destination output), when I stopped the drive gas. Nice so far!
I got the sounds that I expected out of the booster: mostly silence, until a loudish, explosive POOF. By now, my drive gas cylinder is empty, so the cycling was very slow.
Now the step back: at about 1500 PSI, there was a distinct breeze at the top of the booster with the sound you associate with a loose fitting. Unfortunately, putting one hand on each side of the large, central cylinder where it meets the large end caps, I feel a breeze from the left side. When it cycles, it stops on the left and I feel a much smaller breeze from the right. So... definitely going to need some more work, and no doubt more parts as well.
At this point, I've decided to keep this. I've negotiated with the seller and he's returned half of my purchase price. So at this point, I'm $500 in. I figure if nothing else, it's a cheap way for me to really learn the ins and outs of a booster. If that's all I get out of it, it's still worth $500 -- knowledge isn't free, and it's way cheaper than another SCUBA class...

So you're stuck with me asking questions!

First step will be to start cleaning this thing. I will clean the outside extensively first, then start taking it apart. I've reviewed the Haskel maintenance videos -- they make it seem so easy! But one more time asking: does *anyone* have any kind of service diagrams for this thing -- or any 5 1/4" Haskel? Printed drawings are so much better to refer to than videos....... and the videos say things like "refer to your booster drawings for more information"...
Second: this thing uses a *lot* of lubricant. In one video, they suggest Haskel 03-G321-05T. This seems to be Novagard Versilube G321 (and $20 instead of $100: specs here). It looks milky white and thin, visually similar to Chrsto-Lube MCG-111 rather than, say, typical clear and goopy Trident silicone grease. Yet the Operating and Maintenance Manual (OM-3S) references Haskel lubricant 50866, which I'm only seeing in 5g units (and $17). Regardless: what would you suggest I use here? Particularly given that I'd prefer something O2 compatible if possible, even if I'm not planning at this moment to boost O2... (Of course, it doesn't really matter on the drive gas side...)
Any other words of wisdom before I start tearing this thing apart? A suggestion on what to start with, or what to avoid for now because it's much harder? Anything that if I take it apart I'll *have* to use replacement parts to put it back together -- like one-use-only packing or something?
Again, thank you all for your attention! I really appreciate it.