I went out Sunday, two dives in the Boston Harbor, Graves light.
56' was our Max depth, but we kept it shallow, 35' for the most of the two dives, the temp read 52F in the first dive, 55 in the second dive, we found some bugs, lots of soft shell ones and lots of shorts, a sea robin and some flounder were decorating the bottom, as well as sea urchins, and small star fish, very pretty site lots of color fun dive.
56' was our Max depth, but we kept it shallow, 35' for the most of the two dives, the temp read 52F in the first dive, 55 in the second dive, we found some bugs, lots of soft shell ones and lots of shorts, a sea robin and some flounder were decorating the bottom, as well as sea urchins, and small star fish, very pretty site lots of color fun dive.