Welcoming Committee

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The Hague (Holland)
Do we have an official welcoming committee or is it just the same nice polite people doing it each time?
Nope...no official welcoming committee. It's personal thing, I guess. I just like to let new folks know I'm glad they found us and to encourage them to join us.
of course my welcomes are always WARM ones

Hi Folks

As I've got quite a welcome from most, so decided to do the good deed to others too.

Aqaumore my buddy, till date I've still not found any intro to the board as good as yours.

as the First ScubaBoard Welcoming Committee Chairman.

Or we can just call it FSBWCC. Sound like another diving organization, doesn't it? :wink:

Keep those ideas coming Aquamore.

Ari =-)
You guys are so lucky living in such warm climates...... you are the envy of my whole family! At the moment it isn't cold enough to ice dive, and the coast line is being battered by westerly gales! I am getting desparate... the rural canal in front of my house is starting to look tempting :)

As for Chairman of the FSBWCC, well I think Dee does it for the same reasons as I do (non-commercial reasons). Thanks for your kind words about my intro Salty (I still get the odd private e-mail about the Titanic Nude pictures). Like Salty I received a warm welcome myself and straight away you feel at home on the boards

I can think of at least one group of divers (not on Scubaboard) who do have a welcoming committee, which would appear to have the sole function of soliciting members for new business opportunities. (No names, no pack drill, as we say in England).

It's a good feeling to know that we all genuinely share the same beliefs about making the newbees welcome for the right reasons i.e. Diving and Fun!. Maybe that's why the Scubaboard welcoming committee is successful even though it is unofficial!

that the welcomes come from the heart and are not seen as a duty or a job. Their sincerity rings true to all who join because they are not a "form letter" as I see on some boards. This also lets the lurkers lurk, and post when they feel comfortable. However, I do hope that as many as possible take it upon themselves to welcome people as they join. Just remember how you felt with the responce to that first post.
I wish all my welcomes could be warm ones but the water here never gets above 55! I have to extend cold welcomes but the intent is warm!

Can you please forward some of your Warm Sea World (I was there this Christmas.... and Key West), weather to Scottri as the cold stuff he is diving in is making him the self confessed "General Knucklehead and slayer of fish and other edible critters".

I'll be back in Orlando this year!!!!!!!!:)

Aquamore (Field Marshall Knucklehead and layers of fish and chips and other edible platters).:snack:

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