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charlotte county, fl
# of dives
25 - 49
K it is 430 in the am, and my brain is tired. Long weekend here at work. So my mind wanders... Anyone know how many calories we burn off in an average dive? If I swim off the shore of Alhamy to about maybe half mile? I suck at measurement but I take a guess by the pier in the distance. So that is burning calories. Then the hour plus of bottom time then of course the swim back and the waddle back across the beach. Whatever bfast Ive eaten is long gone and I am hungry enuff to chew on the tires and sucking down the gallon of kool aid we brought. So any ideas? I know the body burns calories trying to maintain a body heat temp while we are submerged so that burns it up too. Scuba the ultimate exercise?
Ya gotta love google sometimes. According to I burn approximately 536 calories an hour just scuba diving. That doesn't include the swim out, swim in or trudging my way across the beach twice carrying all my gear.
So if i count say 1 hr 50 mins for dive time plus another say..30 mins swim in and out time
and maybe claim another 20 mins just for the walking to adn from the car.... sounds plausible?

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