I was watching the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy DVD last night and they have yet another way to set your weights.
At the surface with a full tank, an empty BC and a full breath, float eyeball level. When you let out your breathe, you will sink slowly.
Again, you will be more buoyant at the end of the dive by the amount of air you consume. With 500 psi in your tank, you will have lost ((3442-500)/3442 * 8) or 6.8# of weight.
But your wetsuit will lose something at 15' as well so you should still be able to hold your stop.
I am not as comfortable with the approach of neutrally buoyant at 15' with 500 psi because it is difficult to know, while you are holding the stop, that your BC is really empty. You could still wind up overweighted with this approach.
Next time you're in the water, give it a try. Oh, and whether you take the Peak Performancy Buoyancy specialty or not, the DVD/self-assessment booklet are pretty good (the booklet comes with the DVD). As is the chapter in the PADI Adventures In Diving book.