One thing you need to remember is your weighting will change from fresh to salt water. I also make notes in my log book about my gear and weights, fresh or salt water so I can look back at what my setup was and how it worked for me.
Tests should be conducted with 500 PSI or so and an empty BC.
You'll hear a number of rules of thumb about converting from fresh to salt water, but here's the physics and the real formula:
Typical salt water is 1.0256 times more dense than fresh water. (The Red Sea is a bit denser, the Dead Sea a LOT denser).
So let's postulate a diver, who with all their gear including lead, weighs 250 pounds and is neutral in fresh water with 500 PSI,
and an empty BC. That diver is displacning 250 pounds of freshwater. In salt water, that diver will be displacing the same
volume of saltwater, but that salt water weighs 1.0256 times more, or 256.4 pounds, so to stay neutral in salt water, the
diver must add 6.4 pounds to their belt.
So the math is: add to your belt .0256 times the total weight of the system (diver, tank, BC, lead, etc.).