Weezle Wear Undersuit Problems?

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I was recently thinking about purchasing the weezle wear undersuit, however, I was talked out of it because of the potential danger the weezle wear could cause. The argument was that the undersuit could get stuck in the exhaust valve thus not allowing the dry suit to vent out air, which could cause one to accent too fast and get the bends. Supposidely, there was a reported death where the only cause of death was the weezle wear. I don't know how much I should believe this one story... however, I was wondering if anybody else has heard about this potential weezle wear problem? (please try to be serious when answering this)
I would love to see that coroner’s report. Death caused by Weezle wear.
When a diver dies the direct cause of death is seldom if ever the result of a single piece of equipment.
There is always more to it than that. Diver error plays a big roll in diver related accidents & deaths.

That said I use Weezle extreme wear and love it. I have never had a problem with it. It keeps me warm and has never interfered with my dry suits exhaust valve. Weezle is a good solid product, you can’t go wrong with.

OK, now I am not an expert on this, but I have a weezle extreme. I dive with my DUI tls350se, which has a apex exhaust valve.

I have had absolutely no problem at all, as far as I can see there is no way for it to clog the valve. All the insulation is contained by a breathable nylon outer.

I have heard this argument against weezle before, but I assure you, not only have I had absolutely no problem, I also don't see how it COULD block or clog the exhaust valve. - Even if it was pressed against the valve, it is completely easy for air to pass through it.
I have never had a problem with my extreme blocking the exhaust valve. If that was the case, then only undergarments you could use would be Thinsulate.

I have been using the Weezle Extreme Plus with my DUI TL350 for about two years now and have never had a problem. I love the Weezle wear and wouldn't wear anything else.

if the underwear, regardless of material or manufacturer,
is not fitted properly it will be too large and "poofy" and
potentially able to (partially) block a OP valve.
I have a set of Weezle Extreme underwear, and I have no problem breathing through it when pulling it tight against my face......I don't see how it could possibly plug the exhaust valve.. I have had no problem with mine.....well, I take that back.....the only problem I've had with my Weezle Extreme is that it sometimes keeps me TOO warm.. :D

I know that some have not had a problem but that has not been my experience with the Weezle... perhaps they made some changes.

I have a Weezle Extreme and I cannot blow through the shell fabric at all... it is also very loose since it is not quilted and could easily occlude a dump valve... mine was very slow to exhaust so I burned a series of small holes through the outer shell just below my exhaust valve and the air dumping became much easier.

The subject of the original post involved a death here in the PNW where is has been surmised that the Weezle was a contributing factor... however I have heard that there were other equipment issues involving the inflator valve and hose connector. I have no first hand knowledge but the subject death and surrounding circumstances came up again this weekend on a dive trip to Canada when someone noticed my Weezle... I use it as a pillow.

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