Empty V:I was under the impression that the peace has stopped all trips to any rigs, I guess I heard wrong.
The reasons why the grace bummed me out was the lack of fish and I was told that at certain depths the life changes instantly, this was not true. Just lots of scallops and corynactis strawberry anemones. Every once in a while I'd see a blacksmith or something. After 1 dive on the grace I have no ambition to go back, but I'm sure as hell glad I did it, I think everyone should once.
BTW I felt no current or surge.
They don't do it often, which is one reason I'm looking forward to going: It's a rare trip.
Grace is different from the other, more commonly-visited platforms. The species stratification at various depths you speak of is present at the other platforms, not Grace, which is fairly consistent until you get REALLY deep. It can get nasty surge and currents also, as I understand it, but things were nice last time I visited as well.
I did, however, see TONS of Blacksmith, and some other fish schooling in the distance that I never ID'd. You must have just had an off day, sorry to say.
Once a year or two is definitely enough, unless things are different this time around.