Wed. Twin Lakes Dive-, Food-, & Slide-fest

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Put me down as a 'Maybe'.

Still too early to tell, but I've been trying to make a Wed. dive for a while now and every time I attempt it something else comes up.
I refuse to give up!
Those of you who weren't there sure missed a good time! Tony and I got there first and after a cool dip in the 88º water, we took off for the west end to feed the fishies. Those little buggers get vicious when the crackers run out! The earn their nickname of Freshwater Damsels!

After almost an hour we're back at the dock and see ScubaBarbie and Max unloading gear. Another strange man soon showed up... black slacks, white dress shirt and a fashionable tie..definately not a Swampers dive attire. Upon closer look and hearing his voice, it's ScubaDuke straight from the job! Man...he spooked me there for a minute. :wink:

There was an overturned 18-wheeler under the overpass at 288/6 so Beast, Emma and Chris were slightly delayed. We quickly geared up for a trip to the new boat so Emma could see it. She missed alot by running off to Florida for a week. hehe

As we were drying off, Emma is unloading her car....hamburger patties, lettuce, tomatoes, cool specialty chips and....homemade Key Lime Pie! MMMmmm. The sun was getting low as we were pigging out so Emma got her laptop and started the Florida slide show...too cool!

Chris, Steve and I geared up for Chris' first night dive. Our plan was to go to the new boat and putz around for about 45 min but I screwed it up! I thought I had 2000psi for this dive and stupidly didn't check it before descending. I only had about 900psi. On the boat I started getting really light and when I checked my air I was down to 500 so I turned the dive. :( I was using the old Zeagle instead of the BP/wings (man, what a difference!) and didn't allow for the air trapping I know the Concept has so I was about 2# light. I wasn't worried about my air as much (though I'll never get used to such low psi!) as I was tired of fighting to stay down. Bottom time...a dismal 22min. I had a long talk with myself on the way home. I've really gotten lax about details lately, diving so much in the lake and staying shallow. I'll be tightening up and doing it correctly from now on. Notice I didn't say DIR!

So Chris....I owe you a long night dive, Bud. Sorry to have cut your first one so short.

Thanks Emma for such a great evening....and Happy Birthday!
will be out this weekend. agree with Dee. in places like twinlakes and blue lagoon is easy to get sloppy on details. i am making conscious effort to avoid this. especially after messing around in Travis last weekend. while i was there twice some dumb boaters decided to get close to see what was going on. close enough to let people jump out and swim. after everyone started yelling at them from shore they finally backed off. someone could have surfaced into the boat especially since there was no visibility at all.
I'm glad so many of us were able to get together on such a nice evening...just the right amount of food to go around. :licklips: It was great to finally meet some more of the folks on the board, like ScubaDuke, Scuba Barbie, and her son (Scuba Barbie, sorry I didn't reply to your post yesterday...I didn't have a chance to look at the board at all yesterday).

Thanks, Tony, for bringing such a variety of drinks and being the "Iron Chef" of burgers. Thanks to Dee and Doug for bringing snacks and condiments. And thankfully, Chris answered my call for help with the plates, so we didn't have to eat off the dirt...although Tony being the backwoods kind of guy that he is, managed to eat some dirt anyway... :wink:

Thanks for being such an attentive audience for my FL slideshow...looking at the pictures again, I think I took too many pictures of lobsters and barracudas. :fishy: Wow, Dee is the master of fish identification! :brain:

Hope to join y'all next time for a night dive. Thank you all for sharing in the delightful evening! :boings:
Had a great time Wed - thanks to Emma for the food & fixings and Tony for the cooking & drinks. It was nice to meet everyone that I'd never met before. I really did enjoy the night dive, and don't worry about the short dive Dee - it was a great intro to diving at night.
Mild mannered technician in white shirt, slacks and tie, the stranger goes into the change booth and out comes ScubaDuke! In a reverse James Bond scene I went from formal suit to wetsuit.

I had a great time diving, eating those great burgers, and watching gadgetgirl's super slideshow. What a way to breakup a work week!

Thanks to all that participated.
I forgot to mention the slideshow - I did enjoy that too.

Tony - I entered my profiles into the Suunto manager (hopefully the actual computer will be here before I get there Saturday <crosses fingers> and I'll get to stop entering the things manually) - it calculated my SAC rate as .35 SCFM (21.9 psi/min) on a 16ft average depth - is this number comparable to the number that we were having to calc towards, or does this number sound skewed?
I just love this tech talk!:confused:
A SAC under a half (.50) ft3/min is excellent for guys. My average is around .45 and when I have just eased around the bottom got it down in the .38 area.

SCR=DCR/Pdepth (ata)
CR1/P1 = CR2/P2

your 21.9 psi on a 80 ft3 tank is:
21.9psi/min x 80 ft3/3000= .584 ft3/min (@ depth)
P1 at depth is:
(.432 x 16)+14.7=21.62

plug it in

.584 ft3/min / 21.62 = ? / 14.7

.397 ft3/min Scfm (SCR) Excellent, DUDE!

Thanks again Emma for the good eats and I'll have to catch the 3rd and later dives sometime, GREAT pics!

have a great weekend!


ps. gonna do some Arkansas diving this weekend!

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