Wed. Twin Lakes Dive-, Food-, & Slide-fest

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Houston, TX
Hi Fellow Southern Swampers!

I'm back from sunny FL and ready to dive our cozy TL again! I will be giving a slideshow of my trip this Wednesday at TL for those who are interested. :box:

It would be great to have a cookout also. I will bring dogs (or dawgs) or burgers along with their accessories for the gang. :licklips: If you think you will make it out to TL on Wed., please post to this thread so that I can get a count. Also, let me know if you would prefer dawgs or burgers; I'll see what I can dig up. :D

I will probably also bring more of those yummy kettle chips. If you would like to bring something to add to the feast, please do...thanks!

See y'all on Wed.
And welcome home! I still have enough charcoal and lighter left from this weekend to burn some burgers (hint, hint). I'll get some drinks and put 'em in the ice chest too. Whoo hoo Wednesday dive and eat, eat and dive.
I'm looking forward to your pics of diving in Flordia!
Brenda came down and dove this weekend, she had a blast! August 15 is her last day and she'll be back that weekend again.
See ya'

Count Beast and I in for burgers. I'll just leave the Mayo and chips in the van!!! :eek: If you're bringing Kettle about some of the vinegar ones?

You should have been here to see Brenda when she came up from her first TL dive. Her grin was as big as your first one! I think she's hooked! And Homey did his first night dive, he's good at spotting sleeping fish. :wink:

Can't wait to see the slide show and hear about your trip.
Welcome back and count me in too! If you need some ground meat, let me know - I'll stop by the butcher shop on my way out.
Originally posted by Dee
You should have been here to see Brenda when she came up from her first TL dive. Her grin was as big as your first one! I think she's hooked! And Homey did his first night dive, he's good at spotting sleeping fish. :wink:

Thanks for the responses...I count 5 of us so far and 3 maybes! Sounds like the consensus is (cheese) burgers in our dive paradise... :wink: Tony, thanks for bringing the charcoal and some drinks; Dee, thanks for the mayo and chips; Chris, thanks for the offer to bring the meat...I'll go ahead and pick it up this about some fruit?. Besides the meat, buns, and other condiments, I'll also try to russle up the vinegar chips and possibly a FL-ish dessert. :licklips:

:( I missed so much while I was gone. That's great that Brenda made it down south and is now hooked on TL; I hope to meet and dive with her next time she's down here. :hi: Maybe with Homey and others hooked on night dives, we'll have to plan more weekend night dives in the near future also.

See y'all on Wed.!
I can't make it Weds. (workin' nights), but plan on being there this weekend. Hope to see ya pics then. We gotta plan more night dives, loved it, absolutely! Being a vampire don't sound so bad anymore.:D
Originally posted by SwampThing
Houstondvr and I might be there. We will have to put in a maybe!!! Can we bring anything?

Hope you two will be able to join us, so I can see the faces behind the names :) .

We're pretty covered for food (unless we have some big eaters :eek: ), but if you have some favorite munchies you want to share, please bring them along.

Let's dive! :snorkel::partyon:
Okay, I just remembered one thing that someone who is a "yes" can bring... paper plates...unless we want to be eating directly off the grill. :fire: (Chris, could you pick up some paper plates? Thanks!)

C'y'all soon...
Will do.

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