I made numerous request that Amphibious post his profile page pic in this thread for a better comparison of his streamlining claims. Any other slung pony fan could have similarly posted a slung pic for a comparison. Now you come along and poo poo the pic I searched over an hour for and called half decent???
Post a pic of your own or butt out! :mooner:
Slung versus backmounted, streamlining, and other random nonsense:
Gotta agree with halemano on this topic.
I do sling an Al30 from time to time, DIR (actually, HOG if the purists prefer) rigging.
It is there for ease of access to the valve and gauge, NOT because I believe it is more "streamlined", or less likely to get entangled.
Common guys.
There is nothing streamlined about a slung stage or pony, no matter how "high and tight" (nice USMC term) you rig 'em. A scuba diver is ALREADY very un-streamlined, and anything we attach to ourselves that flaps or dangles just makes it worse.
And slung tanks certainly become much LESS streamlined if you let them "hang low and dangle to and fro" So within reason, high and tight is better for slung.
Now, is a mounted tank MORE (or less) streamlined than a slung tank? I don't know, but I doubt it. You are still disrupting water flow.
Again, stages/ponies are slung in that position out of necessity for good access, so you can remove them easily if needed, etc. You just try to sling them in such a way that streamlining, trim, and entanglement potential is least affected.
And because it makes the diver look "all techie and stuff"
Best wishes.
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