Is he being accused of commiting a crime in Alabama? I guess there's the attempt to claim her life insurence and the perhaps the bizare behaviour removing the flowers. Seems fairly tenous to me.
so far, not to my knowledge.
I saw the interviews with police a couple years ago and they were trying to figure out something to charge him with. but they didn't have anything that would really stick. (this was before he pleaded guilty in Australia ).
Now that he's pleaded guilty, MAYBE they can get him on "conspiracy to commit murder" if they can prove it was planned while he was in the US. Remember that he tried to get her to change over her life insurance to him as the beneficiary before they went on the trip. That might be used to show motive.
Supposedly according to this link he has been brought before a Grand Jury in Alabama. But it gives little details. Indications Gabe Watson will stand trial, accused of killing wife Tina on their honeymoon | Courier Mail
However the prosecutor is Don Valeska, I've NEVER seen anyone that has a high opinion of him and have seen him lie openly in court before on other trials and got caught for it, causing a mistrial and the verdict being over turned.
This guy would prosecute his own grandmother, and hide evidence that might clear her....
This story printed yesterday says that his lawyer is expecting an indictment and expects him to be arrested as soon as he gets off the plane.
Also note that Attorney General Troy King was defeated in the last election. So by the time this goes to trial, there will be a "new sheriff in town" and he might not have as much vigor for prosecuting this case.