the proof that he killed her intentionally - his dive computer, his statements about the dive, and the witnesses before, during, and after the dive.
1. He lied over and over, telling this tall tail about what happened underwater and how he raced to surface to get help. Fact is his computer showed he never was as deep as he said, and he surfaced slowly doing a safety stop. Dive computer doesn't lie. His whole account of the dive didn't jive with the dive computer!
2. He said that he and wife had to go to surface immediately after entering the water because his dive computer was beeping. He said he had to get out of water and turn the battery over as it was installed wrong. That is why they got separated by the rest of group. Well, NO dive computer beeps if battery is upside down, it doesn't work! He used this ploy to separate them from group so he could have her alone. Dive computer doesn't lie.
3. Other divers did see him with his wife, and he was giving her a "bear hug". This is when it is guessed that he turned off her air and held her until he was sure she was dead, then turned her air back on, dropping her to ocean floor. He claimed that she was dropping and he tried to grab her hand but couldn't hold onto her and she slipped away... why not inflate her BC? why not drop her weights? He claimed they were fighting a huge current also... none of the other divers said it was bad. He claimed he went deep fighting to hold her.. dive computer said otherwise. Dive computer doesn't lie.
4. Another diver took a photo and in the background you see her lying on the bottom, not in water as deep as he said she was or where he said they were "fighting with the current". Those other divers said the current wasn't bad, too.
5. After he surfaced, he started telling a story to those on the boat about how she was sinking and he couldn't grab her hand and she slipped away. And he told them where it supposedly happened. He implied that she was carried away into water over 100' deep. In the meantime, another group of divers found her on the bottom, not where he said or that deep, and took her right to surface. They had her on their boat and were performing CPR when his boat was radioed. Upon hearing that they had his wife on the other boat performing CPR, he did not ask to go to that boat. His demeanor was noted by the other divers who were back onboard already and they were stunned. He did not go to the other boat until after they got the call that she was dead.
6. When he gave interviews to police over the next few months, he gave different accounts and changed his story substantially. He was not confronted with the dive computer data as the police weren't familiar with them or how they work.
now add in all the things that happened back home before the trip... like him insisting she increase her insurance policy, how badly he treated her in public, etc.
ALL of this is circumstantial. ALL of this is proof enough he killed her. NO DNA needed.
Just my 2 cents. This is another reason I think all divers should have computers... it can trace exactly what happens to you underwater. If someone gets bent or worse, this is sometimes the only way they can figure out what happened!!!!
1. He lied over and over, telling this tall tail about what happened underwater and how he raced to surface to get help. Fact is his computer showed he never was as deep as he said, and he surfaced slowly doing a safety stop. Dive computer doesn't lie. His whole account of the dive didn't jive with the dive computer!
2. He said that he and wife had to go to surface immediately after entering the water because his dive computer was beeping. He said he had to get out of water and turn the battery over as it was installed wrong. That is why they got separated by the rest of group. Well, NO dive computer beeps if battery is upside down, it doesn't work! He used this ploy to separate them from group so he could have her alone. Dive computer doesn't lie.
3. Other divers did see him with his wife, and he was giving her a "bear hug". This is when it is guessed that he turned off her air and held her until he was sure she was dead, then turned her air back on, dropping her to ocean floor. He claimed that she was dropping and he tried to grab her hand but couldn't hold onto her and she slipped away... why not inflate her BC? why not drop her weights? He claimed they were fighting a huge current also... none of the other divers said it was bad. He claimed he went deep fighting to hold her.. dive computer said otherwise. Dive computer doesn't lie.
4. Another diver took a photo and in the background you see her lying on the bottom, not in water as deep as he said she was or where he said they were "fighting with the current". Those other divers said the current wasn't bad, too.
5. After he surfaced, he started telling a story to those on the boat about how she was sinking and he couldn't grab her hand and she slipped away. And he told them where it supposedly happened. He implied that she was carried away into water over 100' deep. In the meantime, another group of divers found her on the bottom, not where he said or that deep, and took her right to surface. They had her on their boat and were performing CPR when his boat was radioed. Upon hearing that they had his wife on the other boat performing CPR, he did not ask to go to that boat. His demeanor was noted by the other divers who were back onboard already and they were stunned. He did not go to the other boat until after they got the call that she was dead.
6. When he gave interviews to police over the next few months, he gave different accounts and changed his story substantially. He was not confronted with the dive computer data as the police weren't familiar with them or how they work.
now add in all the things that happened back home before the trip... like him insisting she increase her insurance policy, how badly he treated her in public, etc.
ALL of this is circumstantial. ALL of this is proof enough he killed her. NO DNA needed.
Just my 2 cents. This is another reason I think all divers should have computers... it can trace exactly what happens to you underwater. If someone gets bent or worse, this is sometimes the only way they can figure out what happened!!!!